- Rear 3 subjects, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/arakawa42/archives/51710919.html Before that, test, obstinate Hari oral [ya]! 以前那,测试,口头赌气的Hari [ya]!
- Cultural festival, chorus competition, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/usa_rabbi/archives/52890793.html Before that admission examination?… [u] [wa] [a]! 3 months after (焦) 以前那次入场考试?… [u] [wa] [a]! 3个月以后(焦)
- In graduation ceremony…, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/bjrtx610/entry-11095658725.html Before that, the [chi] knowing in day, [ru]? wwwwww, a liberal translation 以前那, [凯爱]知道在天, [ru] ? wwwwww
http://blog.livedoor.jp/colles7777jp/archives/51272929.html Before that, just a little just please preface m () m, a liberal translation 以前那,少许喜欢加序言m () m
Graduation, japanese culture, Education,