- 2 occasions
http://ameblo.jp/aristeres/entry-10996954632.html 'The book is painful, it is painful, it has done, that' to say, 'the [i] we would like! The [i] you want!'Saying, [nate] ゙ [nate] ゙ it does the book, next instantaneous [biri]! … , a liberal translation ‘书是痛苦的,它是痛苦的,它做了’,说, ‘[i]我们会想要! [i]您要! ‘说, [nate] ゙ [nate] ゙它做书,下瞬间[biri]! …
- Very it is [yasu, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/rock-a-hula/entry-11006056406.html Perhaps,' with you said, but story of the person is not heard being consequence of your own character that & it is forgotten immediately, there is no such memory, a liberal translation 或许, ‘与您说,但是人的故事听不到是&它立刻被忘记您自己的字符的后果,那里是没有这样记忆
- July 30th (Saturday) [bu] and coming that 2
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hosi19940701/e/97716abf0bcf139c4af6bca4cf5e9622 ' With you say, to question from to begin, 'becoming whenever, you do not forget,' the [tsu] [te] you say in the spontaneousness which absurd strange feeling ‘与您说,问从开始, ‘成为,每当,您不忘记’, [tsu] [te]您在荒谬奇怪的感觉的自说
- First channel clearing, a liberal translation
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Graduation, japanese culture, Education,