http://qlove-1947.at.webry.info/201201/article_14.html Tokyo did not stand up with graduation ceremony and the like facing toward the circle of day, disciplinary punishment it is judgment to the thing which does vis-a-vis the school personnel where you did not sing in unison generation Tokyo fêz não de pé com a cerimónia de graduação e semelhante que enfrenta para o círculo do dia, punição que disciplinar é julgamento à coisa que faz em frente dos pessoais da escola onde você não cantou na geração do uníssono
- You generation standing up singing in unison, in addition constitutional judgment
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yasunori_2006/e/ee315ac18a65f97b5802db383d082015 With graduation ceremony and the like of Tokyo metropolitan high school, you stand up facing toward the national flag, in order to sing in unison national anthem, whether or not duty order of the principal who was requested to the school personnel violates to constitution with appeal making clear of the lawsuit which is disputed, the Supreme Court 1st small court (the plain wood Isamu President of the Court) on the 6th, that “constitutional” judgment was shown, of the plaintiffs appeal 13 of original school personnel was rejected Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- The grommet [bu] it is the reed?
http://mitamitsu.cocolog-nifty.com/sasurai/2011/11/post-a997.html As for certain teacher of Tokyo, “you raising from the principal who is forced, many degrees were threatened at the time of generation” of graduation ceremony singing in unison Quanto para a determinado professor de Tokyo, “você que levanta do director que é forçado, muitos graus foi ameaçado na altura da geração” de cerimónia de graduação que canta no uníssono
- Artery 8 place you bled with the stress to which music teacher “you of Osaka are let do the accompaniment of generation. The governor under the bridge is not permitted”
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sshow/e/c7a229d43364ea3913ce49cff834c969 As for certain teacher of Tokyo, “you raising from the principal who is forced, many degrees were threatened at the time of generation” of graduation ceremony singing in unison Quanto para a determinado professor de Tokyo, “você que levanta do director que é forçado, muitos graus foi ameaçado na altura da geração” de cerimónia de graduação que canta no uníssono
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://yuukokoryu-mamalife.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-07-23 This day had the soldier/finishing garden system of 4 month lags Este dia teve o soldado/o sistema jardim do revestimento de retardações de 4 meses
Graduation, japanese culture, Education,