- Catalog POSY
http://ameblo.jp/margaret-49/entry-10461765041.html Ah, but then can not wear 啊,但随后不能穿
- Call me
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/apple-pievv17vrin/e/eede3db7f45423e479b462cd07fbcbb6 When it is difficult to be very, Hey it is what I will tell when we eased in ( `) 当它是很困难的,嘿,是什么时候,我会告诉我们缓解( `)
- Classmates!
http://ameblo.jp/shunkusakawa/entry-10448746222.html At that time, do something unrelated to music, physical education courses and classmates 特進 courses 当时,做一些无关的音乐,体育课程和同学特进课程
- Hakama (hakama)
http://ameblo.jp/fufufu-mumble/entry-10449150922.html At that time I never 着Tai hakama 当时,我从来没有着大哈卡马
Graduation, japanese culture, Education,