- Perfect answer Aoshima Hirono Akiko Suzuki
http://ameblo.jp/9216kana/entry-10446948325.html Failure of the short program in four continents, from the anxiety was a new step into the loop, etc. 失败在四大洲从短节目的焦虑,是进入循环等新台阶
- Listen to Mao ... u0026quot;but now there is no better or worseu0026quot;
http://ameblo.jp/barbie-bambina/entry-10443791460.html I think the problem is found in four continents, well you want to fix it - and the challenge 我认为问题是在四大洲的发现,以及要修复它“ - 与挑战
- フィギュアスケート四大陸選手権
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/bm_atsuko868181/42685323.html I want to climb the podium in Vancouver from four continents 我想爬在温哥华来自四大洲的领奖台
- 全日本フィギュア選手権2009女子ショートプログラム
http://midoru.air-nifty.com/blog/2009/12/2009-c9a1.html Four continents and say I hope I will feel anxious to see the ice season rather than go outside and tell implications for coordination of the Olympic stage believe it has enough material comes into mouth 四大陸に出たいと言うのは信じる五輪の舞台の為の調整と言う意味合いというより氷の外から進むシーズンを見て感じた焦り、欲望が口に出た物だろう
フィギュアスケート, Sport,