- ruthmunthe
http://twitter.com/ruthmunthe @
http://pelusa.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/temblor-f8e8.html The Japanese that it is the same as the earthquake which is continued O japonês que é o mesmo como o terremoto que é continuado
- Those which natural disaster leaves, a liberal translation
http://skybaymarine.way-nifty.com/room/2011/10/post-7bcc.html In Japan or not only aftershock of large earthquake disaster, earthquake occurs at all parts of the country, but that is same in the world Em Japão ou não somente em réplica do grande disastre do terremoto, o terremoto ocorre em todas as partes do país, mas aquele está mesmo no mundo
- As for 2393 China you see, (1274) supposition maximum of 34 meters of tidal wave of the “Nankai trough earthquake”
http://henmi42.cocolog-nifty.com/yijianyeye/2012/04/post-6537.html The tidal wave which happens on the Japanese east side, attacked Shanghai, there is no record that” A onda maré que acontece na zona leste japonesa, Shanghai atacado, lá não é nenhum registro isso”
- denpa hasshin �� minshu tou kengi
http://crutonpapa.at.webry.info/201104/article_84.html It believes just that the Japanese mass communications report! Is my [bu] and intention of coming” Acredita apenas que as comunicações de massas japonesas relatam! É minha [bu] e a intenção da vinda”
- 2 thinking with earthquake disaster
http://tadano-guchi.cocolog-nifty.com/weblog/2011/06/2-4a23.html You think that the Japanese news has become very much, but regrettable it is like the, a liberal translation Você pensa que a notícia japonesa se tornou muito, mas deplorável é como
Magnitude, Reportage, Anime, Science,