- Practice of game
http://ameblo.jp/rika-nappi/entry-10350766493.html Race is not, as usual, from end, adhering, [tokotoko] doing rear of everyone, that it increases, with [biri] it is vexatious when, when it is shy, applying, feeling, completely, it is, don't you think? A raça não é, como usual, da extremidade, aderir, [tokotoko] fazendo a parte traseira de todos, que aumenta, com [biri] ela é irritante quando, quando ele é tímido, se aplicar, sentindo, completamente, o é, você não pensa?
- It persevered!
http://ameblo.jp/hina-aki/entry-10665299575.html As for race 3 rank (in 4 people) Quanto para ao Rank da raça 3 (em 4 povos)
- Game.
http://ameblo.jp/baby-rin-doll/entry-10276265744.html Because race is seniority, first relay Porque a raça é antigüidade, primeiro relé
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/ryukupapa/entry-10285544900.html The teacher without being attached, it finished to run race, alone O professor sem ser unida, terminou para funcionar a raça, sozinho
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/jungl54/entry-10357587033.html However most it did not leave, it persevered well and increased race, Porém a maioria ele não sairam, perseveraram bem e aumentaram a raça,
Family Competition, japanese culture, Education,