- Tomorrow the [a] which is travelling - + other things, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ora2330/e/8e055b9f86538429b28a803295b03b9a [shiyana] � of 灼 eye (final), a liberal translation � [shiyana] глаза 灼 (окончательного)
- Now [ponbashi] of the beginning of the year!
http://ameblo.jp/imaidayori/entry-10814357608.html Although ova 1~3 volume of [shiyana] of the 灼 eye (of course the blue ray) it collects and buys and (they are three summary buying, it passed 8000 Yen!!) Хотя Овум 1~3 тома [shiyana] глаза 灼 (конечно голубого луча) оно собирают и покупкы и (они 3 общее приобретение, прошли 8000 иен!!)
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/neo-shura/entry-10282615692.html [shiyana] of 灼 eyeⅱLast story (time) insertion song [shiyana] глаза 灼ⅱПоследняя песня ввода рассказа (времени)
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/equatria-1/entry-10342330489.html Yoshida who appears in [shiyana] of the 灼 eye it has been similar completed and…… Yoshida который кажется внутри [shiyana] глаза 灼 им подобно закончен и ......
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/ja058970/entry-10507946322.html [shiyana] 20 volume of 灼 eye, a liberal translation [shiyana] 20 томов глаза 灼
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/world-of-divine/entry-10513421711.html [shiyana] of the 灼 eye it is not seen, natural, a liberal translation [shiyana] глаза 灼 не увидено, естественно
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/auto-0319/entry-10586358177.html Dejection of [shiyana] cool shrine [haruhi] of 灼 eye Dejection [shiyana] охлаждает святыню [haruhi] глаза 灼
- Japanese talking
http://sahasevo.at.webry.info/201007/article_22.html [shiyana] of the 灼 eye (the novel) moving, a liberal translation [shiyana] двигать глаза 灼 (романа)
- 2009年秋以降・2010年放送予定・放送時期未定アニメ
http://ameblo.jp/yesterday9-11/entry-10279806763.html [shiyana] new series of 灼 eye новый сериал [shiyana] глаза 灼
- あらすとーる
http://blog.livedoor.jp/nyaaaa_n/archives/50681140.html All the 24 stories it finishes looking at [shiyana] of the 灼 eye, looking at [shiyana] of the theater edition 灼 eye finishes and at present it is the middle of 10th story of the [shiyana] � of the 灼 eye, -, a liberal translation Все 24 рассказа оно заканчивает посмотреть [shiyana] глаза 灼, смотря [shiyana] глаза 灼 варианта театра заканчивают и в настоящее время середина 10th рассказа � [shiyana] глаза 灼, -
Shakugan no Shana, Anime,