- It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
http://a-flower.at.webry.info/201201/article_8.html It is 2012 Saharu's shipment schedule, a liberal translation É a programação 2012 da expedição de Saharu
- The ~~~≪ which increased even with the first experience ♪ the [ekusute] ≫ of the hair which it waits
http://ameblo.jp/nikotakamao/entry-11145797373.html Session possible day 1,2,3,6,7,9・・・ of 2012 February last day possibility ・ Possível do ・ do ・ do dia da sessão possibilidade do dia 2012 de fevereiro da última
- Fruit raw chocolate, a liberal translation
http://mon-reve.at.webry.info/201201/article_5.html The fruit raw chocolate 2012 more and more it is start of sale, a liberal translation O chocolate cru 2012 da fruta cada vez mais é começo da venda
- 2011 - >2012 year
http://ameblo.jp/ri-nu/entry-11123643623.html 2011 completes, it is the case that 2012 starts 2011 terminam, ele são o caso que 2012 começos
Valentine, japanese culture,