- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/bu-katsu/entry-10263793789.html As for the assignment, the movie where Kagawa becomes the stage “in the center of the world, avoiding love and seeing [bu]” and “udon”… Was die Anweisung, den Film anbetrifft, in dem Kagawa sieht das Stadium „in der Mitte der Welt wird, Liebe und [BU]“ und „udon“ vermeiden…
- In the center of the movie “world, love is avoided, the [bu]”
http://princessmako.at.webry.info/201002/article_4.html The [ma] densely feeling being different, as for this movie you were not impressed excessively [MA] seiend dicht sich fühlen unterschiedlich, was diesen Film anbetrifft wurden Sie nicht übermäßig beeindruckt
- (●´3`)今度は愛妻家
http://ameblo.jp/cocoaki710/entry-10438514493.html The stage of the Nakatani [ma] [yu] seeing script which draws the married couple love of the [arahuo] generation, 'in the center of the world, love is avoided and supervision line fixed Isao of the [bu]' and script Itoh [chi] wide unites the tag, filming Opinion , Japanese talking
- トップランナー
http://kenken7716.cocolog-nifty.com/nonbe/2009/04/post-7ffe.html Recently, the [tsu] [te] which sows to appear in the movie it is Ayase which is but as an actress. Around. Don't you think? 'in the center of the world, it will avoid love and the [bu]' probably will be that also turning grew, Vor kurzem [tsu] [te] das sät, um im Film zu erscheinen, den, es Ayase ist, das ist, aber als Schauspielerin. Um. Nicht denken Sie? „in der Mitte der Welt, vermeidet es Liebe und [BU]“ vermutlich seien Sie, die auch sich drehen wuchs,
Socrates in Love, Movie, Books,