- Japanese weblog
http://myhome.cururu.jp/yusuke1love/blog/article/51002889040 However be you saw as 02, every one it was enormous, [wa] [akuse] or the clothes the valuable temple highest ♡ in the straw which buys it was splendid with the ♪ independent research, is No obstante sea usted vio como 02, todos que era enorme, [wa] [akuse] o la ropa el ♡ más alto del templo valioso de la paja que son las compras él eran espléndidas con la investigación independiente del ♪,
- Japanese weblog
http://blog.livedoor.jp/yamapi_akira/archives/65334146.html It is enormous, don't you think? the [e] it is, the [tsu ¿Él es enorme, usted no piensa? [e] es, [tsu
- weblog title
http://myhome.cururu.jp/ryochan113/blog/article/81002793034 To be enormous we love enormously, a liberal translation Para ser enormes amamos enormemente
Uchi Hiroki, Entertainment,