- Japanese weblog
http://blog.livedoor.jp/yamapi_akira/archives/65334146.html That such speaking, at the time of the [ru] the hand surpassing, the cool eye no shank Que tal discurso, na altura [ru] da mão que ultrapassa, o olho fresco nenhuma pata
- K NEWS♪ still densely and the [te] you fumble! The tearful voice [ma] [tsu] it does, - it is lovely, - with it is before the accident sun/size, (laughing
http://blog.livedoor.jp/yamapi_akira/archives/65327174.html That - and we would like to keep delivering the meeting of [tsu] [pa] [tegomasu], to the various place, becoming, a liberal translation Isso - e nós gostaríamos de manter-se entregar a reunião de [tsu] [pa] [tegomasu], ao vário lugar, tornando-se
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.livedoor.jp/yamapi_akira/archives/65326401.html Don't you think? that - in various ways, however this time the meeting place it is like it goes, a liberal translation Você não pensa? que - em várias maneiras, porém esta vez o lugar de reunião ele é como ele vai
Uchi Hiroki, Entertainment,