http://blog.livedoor.jp/aokageseiu/archives/52202945.html Namely but the reason which stayed in 5 hour Shirakawa home village, if also normally 3 hours stay, the sufficient, a liberal translation 即,但是在5个小时Shirakawa家庭村庄停留的原因,如果通常3个小时也停留,充足
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/036special/entry-10612995528.html By all means the case where it goes to everyone Shirakawa home village 360 the line utilization 尽一切力量案件它去大家Shirakawa家庭村庄360线运用的地方
- Japanese Letter
http://noripi-nohon.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/10/post-cc99.html So, if you said, the same time of 3 years ago at the Shirakawa home village which goes [hototogisu] and the purple 苑 had bloomed plainly in the garden of the praying hands making,…… 因此,如果您说, 3年的同一时期前在去的Shirakawa家庭村庄[hototogisu],并且紫色苑在祈祷的庭院里简单地开了花递做, ......
Shirakawa-go, Leisure,