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    Leisure related words Tokyo Midtown hida Autumn leaves Gero - spa Tokai Hokuriku road Roadside Station

    • http://kogatak.at.webry.info/201109/article_2.html
      Greed there being a tour, going to Ueda by early morning the Joetsu Shinkansen, changing to the bus and the high mountain of the flying 騨, passing the Shirakawa home village until it arrives to Kanazawa, first day
      Avidez lá que é uma excursão, indo a Ueda em o amanhecer o Joetsu Shinkansen, mudando à barra-ônibus e à montanha alta do 騨 do vôo, passando ao Shirakawa a vila home até que chegar a Kanazawa, primeiro dia

    • Those which are forgotten to eat with the flying 騨
      However it was the intention of eating flying 騨 side at the Shirakawa home village, the “flying 騨 cow croquette” and “side software” “specialty you saw, it seems is, when it is” and so on you ate, the stomach was filled up, flying 騨 side lost the timing which is eaten, a liberal translation
      Porém era a intenção de comer o lado do 騨 do vôo na vila home de Shirakawa, do “especialidade que do croquete da vaca do 騨 vôo” e “do software lateral” a “você viu, ele parece é, quando é” e assim por diante você comeu, o estômago foi enchido acima, voando o lado do 騨 perdeu o sincronismo que está comido

    • Gujo Yawata
      Before going to the Shirakawa home village, it kept approaching to Gujo Yawata
      Antes de ir à vila home de Shirakawa, manteve-se aproximar-se a Gujo Yawata

    • The neck breaks, - the [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u]!, a liberal translation
      Looking at the praying hands village of the Shirakawa home village, discovering those of recognition in the snow which removes snow!
      Olhando praying entrega a vila da vila home de Shirakawa, descobrindo aquelas do reconhecimento na neve que remove a neve!

    • Shirakawa home village
      It went to the Shirakawa home village, a liberal translation
      Foi à vila home de Shirakawa

    • Healing
      The Shirakawa home village it is dangerous, it was healed, however - now the [wa] rest to flow freely and easily with Kawanabe and quickly - be it is too clean -, a liberal translation
      A vila home de Shirakawa é perigoso, foi curado, porém - agora o descanso [do wa] a fluir livremente e facilmente com Kawanabe e rapidamente - seja ele está demasiado limpo -

    • The flying 騨 cow [ma] it is, a liberal translation
      When the Shirakawa home village is promenaded, it is good it smelled from here and there and tried it seems the dumpling and five flat rice cakes, the flying 騨 cow croquette, software cream… Temptation is full
      Quando a vila home de Shirakawa promenaded, é bom ele cheirou de aqui e e tentado lhe parece o bolinho de massa e cinco bolos de arroz lisos, o croquete da vaca do 騨 do vôo, creme do software… A tentação está cheia

    • Goka mountain & Shirakawa home village that 1 (September 18th ' 11)
      But as for the Shirakawa home village being registered by the worldwide heritage of the UNESCO, very famous, as “the praying hands making village of the Shirakawa home village Goka mountain” it is registered to strictness, a liberal translation
      Mas como para a vila home de Shirakawa que está sendo registada pela herança mundial do UNESCO, muito famosa, como “as mãos praying fazê-la a vila da montanha home de Goka da vila de Shirakawa” é registada ao strictness

    Shirakawa-go, Leisure,

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