- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://happy2material.blog41.fc2.com/blog-entry-1802.html 蘇 芳 With by his has been similar el 蘇芳 con solo ha sido similar
http://ameblo.jp/adam/entry-10408311348.html The black < the hay > perhaps, you repeat by your to the 蘇 芳 El negro < el heno > quizás, usted repite por se al 蘇芳
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://45841259.at.webry.info/200912/article_4.html Also the 蘇 芳 can dress the [kosupure] clothes, but being different from July, the circumstances which are impressed, a liberal translation También el 蘇芳 puede vestir la ropa [del kosupure], pero ser diferente a partir de julio, las circunstancias se impresionan que
- DARKER THAN BLACK - twins of meteor - 12th story
http://mblg.tv/x0x0x0/entry/270/ Because 蘇 芳 with attachment it has boiled in July, however aftertaste badness it was conspicuous, when it tries re-viewing, whether it is not different from the last time of lifetime excessively feeling, a liberal translation Porque 蘇芳 con el accesorio que ha hervido en julio, no obstante la maldad del regusto él era visible, cuando intenta repasar, si no es diferente a partir de la vez última del curso de la vida que siente excesivamente
- DARKER THAN BLACK -流星の双子- 第二話
http://yfuji.moe-nifty.com/compass/2009/10/darker-than-b-1.html For the 蘇 芳, there is an April thing and once mi6 friend? As for black when you understand that purple 苑 with you just have made a mistake, it is different, however you say that you are killed, ¿Para el 蘇芳, es un abril cosa y una vez el amigo mi6? En cuanto a negro cuando usted entiende que el 苑 púrpura con usted acaba de incurrir en una equivocación, es diferente, no obstante usted dice que le matan,
darker than black