- DARKER THAN BLACK [marionetsuto, a liberal translation
http://tenmoukaikaiso.cocolog-nifty.com/nishitemorasazu/2011/06/darker-than-bla.html And the person who has ability always does not use ability and also the [te] is good, a liberal translation 并且有能力的人总是不使用能力并且[te]是好
http://ameblo.jp/adam/entry-10408311348.html And, the doctor using me, it has been about to do what in the 蘇 芳? 并且,使用我,它的医生将做什么在蘇芳?
- To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
http://45841259.at.webry.info/200912/article_4.html And at the time of destiny the passenger goes outside one after another, motionlessly it waits, 蘇 芳 in the many people, has one person recognition the face which 并且在乘客逐个去外面的命运之时,它不动地等待,在许多人民的蘇芳,有一人公认的面孔
http://45841259.at.webry.info/200912/article_7.html And you call the 蘇 芳 to black, “there is the request, it is 并且您叫蘇芳染黑, “那里是请求,它是
- DARKER THAN BLACK-流星の双子- 第2話 「堕ちた流星…」 感想
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sakino-k/e/ad36ee14fa99f43a06b4131196ecfff1 And the pendant resonates here, the 蘇 芳 means to peep through the past memory of black from there…, a liberal translation 并且垂饰共鸣这里,蘇芳手段通过黑色过去记忆从那里的偷看…
darker than black