- DARKER THAN BLACK - twins of meteor - eighth story, a liberal translation
http://yfuji.moe-nifty.com/compass/2009/11/darker-than-b-3.html As for 蘇 芳 [taniya] and reunion Quanto para ao 蘇芳 [taniya] e à reunião
- Present July (Darker Than Black 7th story)
http://mrpepper-brog.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/darker-than-b-5.html When 蘇 芳 with July is caught in the contractor, Quando o 蘇芳 com julho for travado no contratante,
- It offers the fresh talkings of Japanese directly.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sakino-k/e/938469b3566752463bab81b968f78f68 I cremated the corpse of the 蘇 芳, returned home to Japan with the remains Eu incinerei o cadáver do 蘇芳, retornado para casa a Japão com as sobras
- DARKER THAN BLACK-流星の双子- 第2話 「堕ちた流星…」 感想
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sakino-k/e/ad36ee14fa99f43a06b4131196ecfff1 You were surprised to the ability person battle, omitted the waist 蘇 芳… Você foi surpreendido à batalha da pessoa da habilidade, omitida o 蘇芳 da cintura…
- DARKER THAN BLACK -流星の双子- 第二話
http://yfuji.moe-nifty.com/compass/2009/10/darker-than-b-1.html The [ri] which in order to obtain the information of black, when it is the marriage swindler, pastes the 蘇 芳 throughout the city to a poster and sows, a liberal translation [Ri] que a fim obter a informação do preto, quando for o escroque da união, cola o 蘇芳 durante todo a cidade a um poster e às porcas
darker than black