- DARKER THAN BLACK - twins of meteor - 12th story
http://mblg.tv/x0x0x0/entry/270/ The meteor nucleus of the 蘇 芳 cracks 蘇芳镇压的飞星中坚力量
- Japanese weblog
http://blog.livedoor.jp/soul_mu/archives/65281350.html As for the 蘇 芳 “as for that way…” with, you become aware in something, but…, 关于蘇芳“至于那个方式的…” 与,您发觉在某事,但是…,
- DARKER THAN BLACK 流星の双子 第9話「出会いはある日突然に…」
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/riku1130/e/3cf5eb773d392c08f4048856dd184b55 Therefore as for the 蘇 芳 righty, this 3 where you infer that it probably is work of the purple 苑, between the machines anyhow, why did not collect the gun, purple 苑!? Perhaps doing, it has informed about existence purposely!? And as for the 蘇 芳 tells the fact of the impact that it had died 8 years ago, this person… who 所以如为righty的蘇芳,这3您推断的地方它大概为什么无论如何是紫色苑的工作,在机器之间,没有收集枪,紫色苑! ? 或许做,它故意通知了关于存在! ? 并且至于为蘇芳告诉冲击它死了8年前,这个人的事实…谁
- 今週のアニメ特撮感想(前半:11/9-13分)
http://denden-tare.cocolog-nifty.com/denden/2009/11/119-13-fb81.html 蘇 芳 With the black [tsu] [te], public welfare point to the useless father and the father who are drowned to the liquor, it became the daughter [tsu] [te] feeling which is done uninformed 与被淹没对酒的黑[tsu] [te],公益点对无用的父亲和父亲,它的蘇芳适合女儿[tsu] [te]是做的未接到通知的感觉
- 「DARKER THAN BLACK 流星の双子」 episode 2「堕ちた流星…」感想
http://tori-toki.at.webry.info/200910/article_3.html But [nika] which somehow it tries probably to encourage the 蘇 芳 which has fallen, this girl, shaking off and is the [tsu]! Well, the bottom of the heart forcing this daughter 但是[nika]它大概莫名其妙地设法鼓励蘇芳下落了,这个女孩,摆脱和是[tsu]! 那么,迫使这个女儿的心脏的底部
- DTB-流星の双子- 第1話 「黒猫は星の夢を見ない」 感想なのだわ
http://ameblo.jp/crimson-red-company/entry-10364284074.html During the school life which makes the [bo] of the [ho] of the 蘇 芳 the heavy air where it can peep makes feel after the darker no shelf well after all, a liberal translation 在做的学校生活期间[bo] [ho]蘇芳重的空气它可能偷看不在黑暗以后很好做感受架子在所有以后
darker than black