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      scale: 18 edgefactor: 16 nbfs: 64 graph_generation: 5.3845 s num_mpi_processes: 16 construction_time: 825.429 s min_time: 0.200316 s firstquartile_time: 0.20415 s median_time: 0.206919 s thirdquartile_time: 0.211234 s max_time: 0.22163 s mean_time: 0.207864 s stddev_time: 0.00513509 min_nedge: 67108080 firstquartile_nedge: 67108080 median_nedge: 67108080 thirdquartile_nedge: 67108080 max_nedge: 67108080 mean_nedge: 67108080 stddev_nedge: 0 min_teps: 3.02793e+08 teps firstquartile_teps: 3.17695e+08 teps median_teps: 3.24321e+08 teps thirdquartile_teps: 3.2872e+08 teps max_teps: 3.35011e+08 teps harmonic_mean_teps: 3.22846e+08 teps harmonic_stddev_teps: 1.00484e+06 min_validate: 0.452902 s firstquartile_validate: 0.454387 s median_validate: 0.45865 s thirdquartile_validate: 0.470509 s max_validate: 0.531631 s mean_validate: 0.473651 s stddev_validate: 0.0295647
      balance : edgefactor 18 : 16 nbfs : graph_generation 64 : 5.3845 num_mpi_processes de s : construction_time 16 : min_time de 825.429 s : 0.200316 firstquartile_time de s : 0.20415 median_time de s : 0.206919 thirdquartile_time de s : 0.211234 max_time de s : 0.22163 mean_time de s : 0.207864 stddev_time de s : 0.00513509 min_nedge : firstquartile_nedge 67108080 : median_nedge 67108080 : thirdquartile_nedge 67108080 : max_nedge 67108080 : mean_nedge 67108080 : stddev_nedge 67108080 : min_teps 0 : firstquartile_teps des teps 3.02793e+08 : median_teps des teps 3.17695e+08 : thirdquartile_teps des teps 3.24321e+08 : max_teps des teps 3.2872e+08 : harmonic_mean_teps des teps 3.35011e+08 : harmonic_stddev_teps des teps 3.22846e+08 : min_validate 1.00484e+06 : 0.452902 firstquartile_validate de s : 0.454387 median_validate de s : 0.45865 thirdquartile_validate de s : 0.470509 max_validate de s : 0.531631 mean_validate de s : 0.473651 stddev_validate de s : 0.0295647

    • FLOPS value of Cholesky disassembly, a liberal translation
      phase.value = pdopt iteration = 40 make bmat time = 1052.343739 and 0.957887 cholesky bmat = 106018.790543 and 96.502674 total = 109863.411891 and 100.002206
      phase.value = itération de pdopt = 40 font le temps de bmat = 1052.343739 et 0.957887 bmat cholesky = 106018.790543 et 96.502674 totaux = 109863.411891 et 100.002206

    • 【投稿記事】KOS1/4:スターゲイト開門と世界平和の実現
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      ils entourent un stargate ouvert en milles de sea.seven profondément dans la mer au-dessous du stargate d'Aden est une création sensible de réveil de conscience avec le toassist extraordinaire de capacité en apportant la paix au monde. Ceux ont entouré l'eau du fond [opunsutageito

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