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    Business related words CentOS Woofer Disclosure

    • ITV reports profits up 75% to £240 million
      ITV boss Adam Crozier reported improved half-year profits today as he signalled an end to the lean years for the company's production arm. As for him ITV boss Adam closure reported the profit of present reforming _ half year in the year there is no wastefulness because of production section of the same company end as a signal,
      Crozier Адам босса ITV сообщил улучшенные профиты half-year сегодня по мере того как он просигнализировал конец к неурожайным год для рукоятки продукции компании. Как для его закрытие Адам босса ITV сообщило что профит присутствующего реформируя года _ половинного в годе там никакой wastefulness из-за раздела продукции такого же конца компании как сигнал,

    • China: Propaganda struggles could intensify
      div class track img alt src http hits guardian co uk b ss guardiangu feeds 1 H 2,038,562 ns guardian pageName China 3A Propaganda struggles could intensify 3AArticle 3A1322706 ch Media c3 Guardian c4 Press and publishing 2CDigital media 2CPress freedom 28Media 292 CMedia 2CChina 28News 292 CWorld news 2CInternet 2CTechnology c6 Tania Branigan c 710 Jan 04 c 81,322,704 c9 Article c10 c11 Media c13 c25 c30 content h2 GU 2FMedia 2FNewspapers 26 magazines width 1 height 1 div p class standfirst State media are trying to reshape their image and expand their influence p p In many ways the Chinese media look to be in an enviable condition According to a href http www datamonitor com title Datamonitor Datamonitor a the industry grew by 74 in 2009 to reach a value of 505 bn and is forecast to be worth 771 bn by 2014 Papers and broadcasters are thriving though increasing competition may well bring mergers and acquisitions 2009 s huge government stimulus shored up economic growth and the property market is smoking hot generating masses of adverts p p Meanwhile the government is throwing cash at state media as it tries to reshape its image and expand its global influence Last year a href http www guardian co uk world 2009 apr 20 china newspaper launch title China defies media cuts and closures with new newspaper launch 20 April 2009 a new English language paper a and a href http www guardian co uk world 2009 jul 26 china arabic tv channel title China launches Arabic language TV channel 26 July 2009 Arabic and Russian TV channels were launched a this year experts say a href http www guardian co uk world 2009 sep 11 china tv targets russia title Chinese state TV targets 300m Russian viewers 11 Sep Possibility and 2CDigital [kurosumedeiapaburitsushin] which strengthen the propaganda fight 3AArticle 3A1322706 channel media 83 guardian c4 press of B ß guardiangu 2,038,562 nanosecond guardian page name China 3a of the track/truck of section class
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • Iceland
      British air traffic authorities say Britain's airspace is facing partial closures in Manchester and Liverpool and in Scotland As for the English air traffic authorities as for the English air space, partly it is closure in Manchester, Liverpool and Scotland that it has faced,, a liberal translation
      Великобританские авторитеты воздушного движения говорят что воздушное пространство Британия смотрит на частично закрытие в Manchester и Ливерпул и в Шотландия Как для английских авторитетов воздушного движения как для английского воздушного пространства, отчасти закрытие в Manchester, Ливерпул и Шотландия которое он смотрел на,

    • http://www.voanews.com/english/news/africa/West-Africa-Stock-Exchange-Suspends-Ivory-Coast-Trading-116313059.html
      It's latest in series of financial closures that intensify economic impact of standoff between rival presidents This strengthening the economic influence of the opposition of the president of the rival is the up-to-date work of the series of financial closure, a liberal translation
      Оно самые последние последовательно финансовохозяйственного закрытия которое делает влияние на экономику интенсивней тупика между соперничающими президентами Это усиливая хозяйственное влияние противовключения президента соперника последняя работа серии финансовохозяйственного закрытия

    closure, Business,

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