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    Sagan Tosu,

    Sport related words Gamba Osaka nabisco Kawasaki Frontale Tosu city Urawa Reds FC Tokyo Kashima Antlers Consadole Sapporo vegalta Sendai Kashiwa Reysol Montedio Yamagata Yokohama FC Cerezo osaka Albirex Niigata Avispa Fukuoka J1 promotion play off

    • http://suzukichan.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2757453/

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    • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/fagus06/e/16568671ef89c7db51033bd8969e0661
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    • http://suzukichan.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/2758389/
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    • http://ameblo.jp/vivalasvegas1234/entry-11303402235.html
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    • http://ameblo.jp/smaptil/entry-11304934659.html
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    • �� rondon'orinpikku �� danshi sakka^ �� nippon
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    • These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.

    • recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,

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    • L'assurance de Sezon : Pour avancer dans la ville de saga à l'établissement de centre de charbon, début d'affaires de juillet/saga
      Bien que le chat particulièrement fait de l'attachement de corde il semble avec déjà ils sont 8 jouant pendant des années d'un moment, habituellement il n'éteint pas l'extérieur réagit comme la période du chaton donc aussi aujourd'hui, pitoyable [le chat préféré de tora] du chat de la garniture est venu, faisant l'alimentation peu par peu, il augmente, un jour un moment où il devient comme ceci, journalier vous ne vous font pas n'obtiennent plus, les variétés qui sont le sentiment qui à partir du corps n'a pas toujours fait [shiyakitsu] chaque fois à lui vous prend sensation, mais parce qu'afin d'enseigner le mouvement dans l'industrie même juste le titre s'il est probablement de se composer de ce qui qui sera probablement, genre [burogu] qui est fait de nous voudrions continuer à être longs les articles, pour que ce du reste à ne pas faire et de l'air, il soit matière assurance-connexe de la voiture de la sorte habituelle qui le coeur par siège [te] est, mais ce moment où nous demandons peut satisfaire des vues ceci quant au deuxième regard et à l'entrée à la prime payant trop de citation est inséré dans le premier principal, %

    • It was J1 first victory.
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    • Yokohama F Marinosu game @ bear star
      Wanting the goods of [panson], ahead of time it is, don't you think? we which stadium in is done with, the adult doing to buy the human burn and considerable number before the we, and others the [tsu] plain gauze it was,… the combining which is the red sandal wood even with request? If come to buying by your, the ~ (blast) as for doing with Marinosu and the bear star ever since 2008!? At the time of the emperor cup is, don't you think?? Very it seems the recent way, (blast) as for the tournament sandstone Tosu victory Marinosu side was surprised with 1-0, don't you think? you probably will do, Tosu other than (laughing) with is accidentally in being able to do horrifying, as for Marinosu while 俊 輔 Nakamura and military officer will Daikoku and 祐 two Nakazawa everyone who probably will stop the nosebleed dropping the superstar Marinosu player, when that Marinosu of the cancer/gun seeing Hiroshi Mizunuma (from Marinosu rental) is defeated thickly with goal, or and the [maji] cartridge %

    • The ~ it does, the foam/home
      ~ оно делает, пена/домашн и вечерняя игра этот день, вы не думает? (^.^) как для соучастника когда Кобе [mu] [mu] [mu] [mu] ~ (^.^) j2, ударяя наилучшим образом достаточно, оно увеличил оно, некоторое время, оно выигрывал, вы не думает? оно с [хи] [ya] [u] kana (^.^) сегодня, оно прямое вещание оно с bs, вы не думает? мы, хвостовик в конце концов сегодня пена/домашняя ладонь, победа оно вы обстоятельство ~ [ya] оно с шансом который появляется в изображение tv, (^.^) сегодня придет к 2f задней стойки, когда (^.^) v поэтому оно сделают, kana которое кажетесь в изображение tv (^.^) 9 flagsIt появляетесь, вы не думаете? вероятно будет, вызывающ все, что угодновсе, что угодно, не делают вас думать? оно вероятно стойка задней части ~ скелетона [ya], (^.^) оно появляется совершенно, вы не думает? как для bi- наилучшим образом, такая вещь сравненная к, выигрывающ турнир даже важность, потому что песчаник Tosu где также сегодня вероятно выиграет (^.^) как для звезды медведя хаотической это время как для вечерней игры оно холодн как для предохранения против холода пальто стенда которое абсолютно оно хорошо для того чтобы держать прийти, но от моей правды опыта (^.^) b, Ookubo (Кобе) игрок %

    • Deep emotion
      You were deeply impressed (the ^.^) so, to be quick, it can win with j1, with (the ^.^) honesty saying, it is surprise, well (the ^.^) yesterday played, don't you think? it was deep emotion and deep emotion, (the ^.^)/speaking clearly, when the [mu] oak, former times, that [mu] oak, I have supported, becoming sandstone Tosu, because day the [a] fence, the sled [ya] ~, as for that, to the [chi] was the team, don't you think? former times are before the weak approximately 15 years, when you think of that, the tear came out yesterday, (the ^.^) you were deeply impressed to be, the [chi], the fan and the supporterDoing, you support steadily and are high but it was, that the evening when you think whether many supporters so were not, in edge, videotaping sport news, while seeing, did the tear and, to drink the liquor, the tongue

    • Kobe of luxurious player position, a liberal translation
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    • Well the [a], the forcing [i]…, a liberal translation
      It went, don't you think? pv (the ^.^) v me, the favorite the ~, doing soccer observation by your, to tell the truth we love, but because… it is completely [shiroto], the result which has been made placid was defeated, but as for mistake of the point eye, the accident like thing palm, as for the second point, df being too huge, because Akahoshi is, the coming out of the ball not being visible is circumstance don't you think? as for Komano accidentally, the [do] be will not, because the cause of being has been clear, well, you think being, that it is possible, the [ho] [ho] [ho] [ho] [tsu] which goes to the bear star -, entering, it increases the fact that it rebuildsThe shank by all means, we want continuing this pattern in the customer calling, is, speaking clearly, about 200 Yen, admission fee paying, with the pretext, strengthening expense of the club where I am good and am %

    • As for J league, thrust on lower 克?
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    • [zubo] of humiliation!!!!!, a liberal translation
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    • Topics, November 27th (day) ~ December 3rd (Saturday), J2 original 10 Tosu, to the world of J1, a liberal translation

      Because as for the breakfast at the restaurant of the first floor as for the Shiga prefecture people when you look at the sea, tension as for choosing from midst of the buffet which rises as for pancake first sight-seeing the Miyajima ferryboat power in the place the leading part of the big river of next year, pine [ken] seeing with the guide of the guide, as for the Miyajima deer which it turns that the feed attaching from several years ago by the sightseer was discontinued kana correspondence of the deer observes cooler massive rock island shrine than Nara and around that, gift time I just a little sneak away and have become matter of concern to fry the cheese taste which the liquidambar it receives to return to the bus again by the ferryboat, to a way Yamaguchi the orange guardrail of rumorTo witness, to observe the satisfactory Shuho cave, because the [tsu] [te] you were lunch favorite ones, the tile buckwheat noodle first experience on the hot tile the brown buckwheat noodle, on that

    • Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

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      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • The result of 2011 Saga prefecture club use U 14 soccer conference 1st day and 2nd day
      * December 17th (Saturday) Saga prefecture football center Anti- sandstone Tosu u- 151 - 5 (0-2 and 1-3) score person: 齊 rattan * December 18th (day) North section ground Opposite pleasure sc 4-0 (3-0 and 1-0) score person: Nishihara ×3, 巖, a liberal translation

    • Oh con mientras que decía, estaba.
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    • http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kuronishihira/61271870.html
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    • Noisy
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    • Soccer digest
      The searching stripe chestnut it increased, but although after all, Tosu, at Chikugo area, you found and the [re] increases is in the same way as me who am, the one which has been searched was, well enough, the Kiyama oil which is surprised and especially the many ones which are searched out and became simultaneous, you thought that well, there is no ginger, if, but it goes to the Fukuoka one, it is, it is thinking as the kana which is not, the [tsu] [te] which is (^.^), this which is condition, sandstone Tosu which is bought with sorashop of the Fukuoka airport, well, Tosu, Chikugo and Saga, is topic boiling, but because with the Fukuoka one, after all, it is [abisupa], It did not sell (^.^) well, it is good, while probably being, because 々 and contents are interesting the potato, the [u] ~ which is done (^.^) it is, a liberal translation

    • Start of practice
      2012, j1. Но (^.^) с удовольствием которое старт практики хвостовик, когда вы сравниваете к обычному году, подкрепление великолепного войны потенциальное, когда оно будет невзначай, но совмещающ песчаник Tosu который сделан (^.^), наилучшим образом, эта практика очень важн, хвостовик все еще, не достаточно, вы не думаете? место sb и gk, как для здесь, при практика и турнир практики, идя с командой j1, хвостовик (^.^) это сладостное j1 оно, наилучшим образом, каждое, вы понимаете с вами думаете, где-то, оно проходит, но (^.^) Takahashi, долина шлюпки, Okamoto, с доской в Fujita и золотом к somewhereWhether хвостовика, вы может сделать, хвостовик (^.^) возможно, рана он делает и, желтый цвет получено and/or и, сердце она очень сильна для игрока около этого уровня для того чтобы быть, хороше, с работой, в старте практики, оно не может пойти в замечание, но [kachikachi] вечера и в настоящее время оно вероятно сделает видеосъемку, (^_^) v

    • reading desultorily
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    • , a liberal translation
      Retournant à Hiroshima que vous pensez, cela le joueur d'Okamoto qui était devenu l'existence de pilier de Tosu est devenu prolongation de période de transfert, la discussion qui est poussée entre les clubs que qui sont viennent vraiment au point déjà du jeu avec une chose reconnaissante de Tosu d'an étant faite, sont devenus restants derrière la même chose quand nous voudrions nous sentir avec la peau, seront probablement si et, il peut participer, militaire de carrière était difficile, dans l'origine du grès de 尹, Tosu au sujet duquel passe avec j1, comme celui des personnages éminents de l'promotion peut-être, Toyota pour qui la plupart des soucis pour Tosu qui devient le grand porteur, le joueur d'Okamoto être devenu étant sur le registre, il est grand l'approprié quand est, quand il des becomesAs pour la tendance du joueur rare de justice de Takahashi ? L'information coulant, il passe pendant un moment, mais, étant nouvelle année quand nous voulons la jointure certainement, sont, 1 passage de semaines, joignant le renouvellement irrésolu Akahoshi de gk de Mori Okuda de renouvellement de salle DF d'Isozaki de gisement de riz de Kobayashi Lu Niwa Kitani où le contrat irrésolu devient des noms de l'arrière 5 (

    • Monday, a liberal translation
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    • Koo Yasushi happiness (FC Tokyo), to Ganba Osaka transfer basic agreement
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