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    Prior consultation,

    Politics related words Democratic Party The AKAHATA Oze Marshland National party Democratic administration speak on a soapbox Noda Yoshihiko Finance Radioactive material

    • “Union heaven” normal state conversion Osaka city traffic Bureau Chief “fair fair personal action reflection”
      ““Union heaven” normal state conversion Osaka city traffic Bureau Chief 'fair fair personal action reflection'” (product sutra newspaper: As for Nitukiyou group of Yamanasi prefecture which other municipalities March 8th) perhaps this probably is not problem just of Osaka city, the national public service personnel and so puts out, the Nitukiyou group where is not just the self-governing community which is the expectation which can be the metropolis and districts so is having done election activity the Osaka traffic Union which is related to the intermediate arranging change and promotion of the individual investigation which 7 when the way of the collusion of the labor and management floated clearly centering on the Osaka city traffic bureau which quotes the article which is secure, the same bureau makes clear (large intersection) election campaign mail… during personal intervention the side and working hoursCowardice attitude of bureau side was designated as the background, even normal state conversion of the composition which “union heaven” can be said was made to infer, “throwing %

    • Como esperado e o ~ [do wa
      Quanto para ao perigo do tpp! Os Estados Unidos em Japão quanto para ao tpp americano ofensivo do presidente da exportação [obama] (acordo de cooperação econômica estratégico do Pacífico) com “a exportação americana são aumentados, quanto para ao país da participação do tpp que o emprego do cidadão americano está garantido 10 países”, incluindo Japão qual está no meio da consulta prévia, há, mas quanto para a América qual possui o 90% do gdp em 2 países Japonês-Americanos se a postura ofensiva da exportação estará supor no país de um em algum lugar, quanto para àquele quanto para sem a ser à excepção de Japão se Japão qual é desobstruído participa no tpp, em nosso país onde também a força laboral cujos os países asiáticos do sudeste são baratos entra de repente agora, graduando a universidade e a escola profissional, em tal somente 1 pessoa que você pode ser empregado a 2 povos, nos povos do americano e do 3Sudeste Asiático, quanto para a dar a oportunidade de emprego que é igual ao cidadão japonês aqueles que do “a provisão isd” se transforma o tpp que você pensa que não é, para existir, com lei e política do governo japonês América

    • Как для персоны создания министерства финансовохозяйственных дел дефляции (? )
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • Spring the [me] or the [nu]?
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    • Ceramic art lunch ♪
      Keramisch Kunst Mittagessen vorher von dieses Monat Mittag, hielt der Meister, auf dem zweiten Stock zu steigen, wenn, so Sie sagte, mit dem Begriff den wo, sehr guter Duft wo, es taten eine Schüssel und ein Klopfer im zweiten Stock, getrieben, „möglicherweise, dass er oder! ist? “ Mit der Erwartung, die im Kasten gesagt wird, hält er, auf dem zweiten Stock zu steigen, als, er schliesslich herauskam! [supeshiyarite] vom Meister, Sie abwischend fragen Sie den Auflauf - * was den Begriff anbetrifft, der, wo, dieses herauskam, gleichwohl bereits Frühling der Schaft - (er ist soviel mit etwas kalt! ) Zusätzlich, Junge Bambuskochen und der Kirschbaum gekochte Reis und, dieser und Vorlagenhandgemachtes, benennen Sie das eckige Kochen des Schweins, ohne vorherige Beratung, weil sie den Imbiß mit jeder hat, der Kirschbaum Chiffon (es hielt bildend dieses Tag), das Sie zum Festlichkeit ♪ benennen und die Nachtischzeit, die Elche von [monburan] und die Rosinehexe der des Ogawa Dachgesimse, dieses und sie ist die Quantität, ill-smelling es ist mit in der Zeit, wenn sie zu glücklich ist - oh,

    • The #akahata young person (3) market universal theory “structural reconstruction” restart/the meeting national governmental advance of the restoration under the bridge which is betrayed is questioned… the present akahata
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    • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/uo4/e/a4b5bc91acf2ddc4ab1f1e65b44c051b
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • The #akahata nuclear 50 kilometer inside population 11,000,000 person/there is no clarification evacuation prevention of disasters measure with the preservation institute data… present akahata phase
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • Growing guaranteeing, of the #akahata child/the waiting child who does not decrease (on)… from the present akahata article, a liberal translation
      “Meeting “becoming lively of the up-to-date article tray place dispensary tray place dispensary friend of political thing various” category it extended and extended and cornered the health… #akahata invasion unit/questions Marines the 2nd section… which The white plum of the Tagami education camp place starts scattering, the cherry tree still “the bud and price hike rush/sells the consumer tax increase… #akahata tpp economic sovereignty on this from… #akahata April,/with prior consultation danger… However also popularity article rheo Noah of this [burogu] was good, kana even in… #akahata Tokyo compulsory banks which densely are preeminent/the real estate trust entwinement Bureau Chief… #akahata nuclear 50 kilometer inside population 11,000,000 person/with the preservation institute data… Lotus Oze 2009 July 2010 Shiga akahata enshrining amateur cooking of photo channel Lake Biwa crow circular peninsula of this [burogu, a liberal translation

    • 2 week continual holiday going to work, a liberal translation
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    • Labor union staff and city discussion participate in the personal affairs of city!, a liberal translation
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • As for TPP?, a liberal translation
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
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    • ““As for Sinzirou Koizumi our people opposition the [tsu] temporary” intraparty disappointment” “Ishihara new party, March formation you aim…Kamei Hiranuma and agreement”, a liberal translation
      The young Liberal Democratic Party member whom repugnance points to only the opposite Liberal Democratic Party is and, will selection of the senior citizen corps citizen of the original Liberal Democratic Party member probably become how? It can choose? While political world reorganization how saying, as for doing after all although it becomes “tax increase”, “as for Sinzirou Koizumi our people opposition [tsu] temporary” intraparty disappointment Yomiuri Shimbun Company January 27th (the gold) 8:1 President transmission Liberal Democratic Party Tanigaki with representation question of the House of Representatives plenary assembly on the 26th, the Democratic party the House of Representatives selection manifest ahead (administration pledge) with again picks up the fact that consumer tax tax increase was not put out, early stage for House of Representatives dispersion the attacking mouth which presses general election does not come out of the framework of former “procedure theory”, from inside the Liberal Democratic Party as for Tanigaki where also voice of disappointment rises, approximately 40 minutes1/3 of questions between manifest of the Democratic party, a liberal translation

    • May be linked to more detailed information..
      “That it is not written (this [tsu] [te] which being unconcerned, does the fact that on the manifest) it is strange, you say that with the animated picture sight “youtube” where you do not think, or as for being written not doing 4 annual at all, as for not being written being unconcerned, Noda Yosihiko Secretary General representation (at that time) the roadside speech which does puts out this which you do”, with 09 year House of Representatives selection and is it is let flow, has become topic then today of 3 years later, Noda as the prime minister, directing in ordinary diet session, it does administrative policy speech and “it must accomplish one reformation of tax and social security, assuming that the big topic” is directing in consumption tax increase, determinationYou stated and, again to state the thought of submitting the consumption tax increase bill to the National Diet to 3 ends of the month, that it responds to prior consultation in the opposition party, it calls, %, a liberal translation

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