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○■ 日本語では「天下 」と呼ばれて... It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
○■ 能「江口」、ご参 を...
○■ この日のホテルは フリーマン... recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
○■ go page top... To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
○■ そこに連れて行っ くれること...
○■ These are talking of Ja panese blogoholic.
○■ 「私は、東日本大 災で10万...
○■ ゴーストタウン
○■ �の発言も、私に 、それがな... Speech of the �, you do not know well in me whether that why it is problem,
○■ First, the speech and beh avior of the �, certainly the child [ji] it is something which was seen if and, the nuclear accident sufferer knows, you probably can call the hasty conduct which is thought unpleasantly
○■ しかし、私は、今 の辞任問題... But, bowl Lu “the victim” apparent the air which is done or the air which protects completely there is no I, concerning the latest resignation problem,
○■ 2011/09/11 descriptions, a liberal translation
○■ 明らかに小川監督 なり、チ... It became clearly Ogawa supervision, drastically changed the atmosphere of the team don't you think? it is
○■ * Approximately, you talk with 300 photographs and reportage, the town and the village of [hukushima] 1st nuclear 30 kilometer inside - there makes “mankind fall think”, just “ghost town” was
○■ 「死の町」発言は として、さ... As for “town speech of death” catching trivial losing word as another, every time you are agitated