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    Professor Takeda,

    Reportage related words radioactivity Director Norio Sasaki Fuji Research Lab-fired 鈴木史朗 Nike Girl Heidi Low Fuel Radioactive material Takeda Kunihiko

    • Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • Even then the fish is eaten!
      But as for it is young mountain Bokusui, “as for the liquor of the fall should drinking alone”, being essential to that alone and you drink with the companion the liquor of the fall when extraordinary it is changing, “the snack (the knob)”… the snack because you say that it became “the fish”, it conveys the sight which has the current morning which becomes the circumstance where that fish where after all the fish is highest in the liquor now is seductive “when the fish 60 lists of items where the protection of the environment group has lined up into super major 5 shop fronts were investigated individually, that the radioactive substance was detected from 34 lists of items”, of course the fall“The fish of decade” is and, with another sight, “in the Tsukiji Uoichiba Co., Ltd., radioactivity inspection is not done,…” with as for the fish which awakens note all right? … [burogu] of great professor Kunihiko Takeda Chubu is looked after a long time, “%, a liberal translation

    • Professor Takeda des Gesterns (2011/12/6)
      Aber „(1) wie was [tsutsukomi] zur terrestrischen Erwärmung des Professors, den Missverständnis Takeda der Erwärmung es von bis einem angemessen ist, dachte, dass es ist, ob, warum, das Kernkraftwerk angetrieben,“ etwas, die Art der Luft tun, deren das Anfüllen süß ist, es ist, nicht Sie denkt? - was das Fürchten anbetrifft mit der Erwärmung, der Dauerfrostboden von Sibirien auflösend, denkend, dass es bedeutet, dass dieses Methan etwas, das in der Atmosphäre entladen, innen geschlossen, erhöht es

    • Professor Kunihiko Takeda… it is raw!②, a liberal translation
      After the lecture the question corner which is decided always… this is the consideration of Professor Takeda

    • Nós pedimos a sustentação do valor do nordeste 90 do terremoto do mar aberto dentro quanto para a Japão - medida do disastre do terremoto do recolhimento dos dados da vida quotidiana e [o burogu] do passatempo -
      O terremoto ao vir, quanto para ao alimento do mínimo para pensar que é necessário, a menos que àquele o alimento não diário de certos dias há e o cookstove do gás forem comprados lá é uma necessidade lá, porque o cookstove do gás onde está apenas a prevenção do saco dos disastres (ienes 1980) geralmente você não a usa não é ter, mas quando a eletricidade para, porque você não pode usar o fogo, o cilindro químico que é comprado 3 latas (aproximadamente 1000 ienes) que 3 dúzias compraram os macarronetes chineses do copo na caixa, porque (1 dúzia 1000 ienes ×3) viveu com 3 povos, supr esse 1 alimento do dia 3, os macarronetes chineses do copo foi comido, quando é o mesmo gosto que 4 dias tem porque você cresce cansado, igualmente threeWhen o encontro ao disastre do terremoto a que é feito ao gosto que é diferente, ajuda vem quanto para a uma quantidade de 3 dias é como essa que é melhor, quanto para à água onde (quanto para a minha área quanto para à preocupação da onda maré porque primeiramente não é,) quanto para à água o frasco do animal de estimação aproximadamente de 2 litros entra e 12 (como aproximadamente 600 ienes) compram o disastre do terremoto que ocorre, o gramado

    • Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
      В анкетном методе обследования некоторой средней школы, также мимо фантазия профессора Takeda совместная где те где вы отвечаете что «страна доверена», 1 люд в существовании 100 страны размера которое нельзя вызвать вероятно уже конец времени вида нации которая нет в сердце молодые люди

    • From this of radioactivity and nuclear plant
      Diese Ecke ist meine Anerkennungsaufzeichnung, * - - Herr Takeda, wie es sollte von diesem der Radioaktivität und des Kernkraftwerks getan haben? Damit Sie schützen Ihren eigenen Körper, im Kernunfall, der das Buch des Konzeptes ist, das Wahrheit und „im Erhitzungklassenzimmer“ des Professors Takeda, der auf die Unsicherheit der Sache beantwortet, die bombardiert wird und die Verunreinigung, die leicht mit der Juniorhöhe und der School-Kursteilnehmeraugenlinie - > es gegenüberstellen, werden unterrichtet den Juniorkursteilnehmern der höhe und der Highschool, es sind der Autor, der an einem Anschlag berühmt geworden ist, aber… was Inhalt anbetrifft, seiend etwas, eine dessen gerade kleine Gelehrtauffassung stark ist, bevor Sie das Gefühl, welchem es „Wahrheit der Radioaktivität“ der Einleitung nicht anpassen kann, die realistischer ist, in sind die Kursteilnehmer der Schaftjuniorhöhe und der Highschool mit Inhalt sind mit dem Begriff einfach, der, wo Sie sagen, mit dem Kern, dass wir Durchsicht„Film Buchmesswertaufzeichnungs“ Kategorie empfehlen, die er versucht, die Beharrlichkeit der verschiedenen Völker zu hören, Gehirnspiel [gorudensuranbaramengaru] des aktuellen Artikel Gottweisendiagrammwolken„Super“ Arbeitsmethoden-Vermittlungsmenschen die fristgerechte Handschuhhöhe 10,000m des Films

    • 2 machine temperature, 68.5 degrees high it stops and continues by - re-critical prevention in early dawn the boracic acid water, a liberal translation
      Par article à jour la centrale nucléaire 1 place « de la radioactivité et est-ce queopération informative » catégorie en 500 ans le départ grave d'accidents… des périodes 1 est basse la radioactivité de dose le grand conflit si la sûreté a soulagé « [horumishisu] » [l'effet de horumishisu soulagé « par coffre-fort efficace »] contre « … l'ADN où la dose est un bas genre plus dangereux de punaise ou de kaki de radon de ce qu'est endommagé ? Convenance du tour de professeur Takeda

    • Focusing on Fukushima value of cesium abnormally rise, a liberal translation
      新词条直接向前,首先是在妙新闻,根据“固定时间放射性微尘环境放射线测量结果”福岛城市教育科学部设法黏贴文章的“媒介甜甜地”下面宣布,铯1月4日在下午它了解那价值134在同一个城市被查出和137上升反常地,根据测量结果2偶尔地点, 1月2日9时在早晨- 1月3日在福岛城市9时在早晨,铯134 180mb (兆Becquerel)/平方公里,在先的天铯137到达252mb/square kilometerJanuary第1 9时的地方 早晨- 1月2日9时在早上, 134和137一起ND (在侦查极限值之下)以前是和,与2天比较的时间,但是价值-轻3天在到达10次或更多之上, “甜甜地是媒介的文章”,黏贴Chubu大学Kunihiko派遣下面核相关的各种各样的信息的武田教授的[burogu]词条下次尝试, “公报福岛中心铯紧急状态的%

    • Being unreasonable and it does, the Kisida Kellogg ~ decontamination the [yo] thinking sensibly, a liberal translation
      However the sunflower which that decontaminating and unreasonable it is, the [yo] thinking sensibly and the next of [huhiyohuhiyo] which it reprints [jiyosenjiyosen] it is noisy society, but saying clearly, the decontamination how unreasonable it is you think useless, 掬 obtains the soil and ok calls and increases, it is not understood how much range was polluted, the removal which probably is to have been about that is your combining one which probably will be, the bureaucracy where [atama] is cut off, probably will create the news item of new public works projects. If the urban district which almost develops with the asphalt which is birth of right the high pressure washer some effect you think being, that it is, the mountain, pouring the water on the village mountain of the river and only Tabata's Japan and passing and meaning or the earth the [ze] is how being decided impossibly the [bu] [hi] [tsu] [pe] does there is no [ru] is, or is which, %, a liberal translation

    • The way of evolution of new model ASIMO is enormous!
      Dissection ! L'asimo de HONDA qu'elle court [le secret rapide de tsu] de l'asimo le système de marche de marche de robot de deux pieds [ashimo] que vous marchez/avez été changé après la médiocrité ¥1,659 plat amazon.co.jp 4 ans ! Également le faire-valoir nomme ! division simultanée humaine d'audition de l'ordre 3 ! Et ainsi de suite, avec de « l'asimo nouveau modèle » de ⇒ recherchez où la manière de l'évolution de la surprise est matière ! - > elle vient, [ya] [ri] - [PA] voir [yu] [PA] voyant [yu], avec coupure d'air de début la grande ? - > l'ami de chef d'Intel, instant de dislocation ! - > Rina le Maruyama Katsura, grand faible sac devenant de paille ! - > amour en soie de fleuve et renaissance dramatique ! - > il n'y a aucune énergie « reproductible » et semblable, professeur Takeda ! - > premier but de Miyaiti Akira ! ! - > longtemps l'ami Intel debut point culminant - > le Japon du grand lait, votre [hanna] [minkusu] soeur plus âgée - > marge de chat de panier, quant à Noël ? - > est le bas →ipad d'accomplissement de fille d'économie du combustible [haiji] même dans la grande popularité de chat ! - > crainte ! Image animated d'attaque de tigre ! - > le plus grand chez le chat de renommée mondiale, il est en rond ! - > le chat qui est massé, il voit - > le cm→ de Nike [kashijiyazu] qui des monticules la coupe du monde %

    • The kind motorcycle rider where the calf which falls to the waterway was helped!, a liberal translation
      车手谁在南非是在参加摩托车集会中间,怎么发现落到水路的小牛,生气蓬勃图片帮助是的题目[a],做,帮助? ? ⇒amgezagautengsavingcalf_short大众化品牌最大值86%off! 成员系统家庭sale->它来, [ya] [ri] - [pa]看见[yu] [pa]看见[yu],与首演声调大断裂? - >英特尔领导朋友,瞬时脱臼! - > Rina Maruyama Katsura,大成为的昏暗的秸杆袋子! - >丝绸河爱和剧烈的复兴! - >没有“可再生”能量等等,武田教授! - > Miyaiti Akira第一个目标!! - >长期朋友英特尔首演聚焦- >大牛奶,您的[汉纳] [minkusu]更老的姐妹日本- >篮子猫边际,至于圣诞节的? - >是低燃料经济女孩[haiji]完成→ipad甚而在猫大大众化! - >恐惧! 老虎的攻击生气蓬勃的图片! - >最伟大在举世闻名的猫,它是在周围! - >被按摩的猫,它看见- >土墩世界杯的耐克cm→ [kashijiyazu

    • The calling being packed of Lawson's part-time job high school student is enormous! wwww
      Faz à pera com o deserto o dia da reforma 2940 de Lawson que/trabalha mulher Takao do trabalho de meio expediente da loja da subsidiária ¥1,470 amazon.co.jp Lawson do 秀 de Yoshioka na determinada que, com a parte dianteira da loja a estar na caixa, porque está no meio do aumento na quantidade, venda que levanta dentro o grito as circunstâncias que no tópico! Ser idéia estes povos que são a indicação da loja ele é engraçado em todo caso! O ar do wwww⇒ era agradável e para introduzir demasiado riu! Após o trabalho de meio expediente de todo o Lawson “o vazio é” quanto para ao artigo original do fotorreceptor esta notícia 24 do foguete do ⇒ (’ de Î): O ar era agradável e para introduzir demasiado riu! Gritos e “vendas do trabalho de meio expediente de Takao da mulher de Lawson” o máximo de levantamento vazio 86%off do tipo da popularidade! Sale-> da família de sistema do membro vem, [ya] [ri] - [pa] a vista [yu] [pa] vendo [yu], com ruptura do acordo do princípio grande? - > o amigo do líder de Intel, instante da deslocação! - > Rina o Maruyama Katsura, grande saco não ofuscante tornando-se da palha! - > amor de seda do rio e renascimento dramático! - > não há nenhuma energia “reprodutível” e semelhante, professor Takeda! - > Miyaiti Akira primeiro [vá] %

    • Impressed animated picture collection of the one which receives the master who returns home from the military affair!, a liberal translation
      Воин [gureitesuto] [hitsutsu] /queen ¥2,200 amazon.co.jp Америка длинний, возвращенный дом от обязанности где получает пылкое гостеприимсво до одно оживленное собрание изображения которое ферзь который мой лучший друг с самым высоким выбором реюньонов хвостовика нот ⇒military с лучшим друг человека: собаки приветствуя домой их предпринимателей от славолюбия раскрытия затаврят максимум 86%off! Sale-> семьи системы члена - коммутирует, заедк «даже»! - > [ijiri] Okada, в месте имени игры наказания akb! - > оно приходит, [ya] [ri] - [PA] видеть [yu] [PA] видящ [yu], с проломом настройки дебюта большим? - > друг руководителя Intel, момент времени вывихивания! - > Rina Maruyama Katsura, большой становить тусклый мешок сторновки! - > Silk влюбленность реки и драматическое возрождение! - > никакая «возпроизводимая» энергия и подобие, профессор Takeda! - > цель Miyaiti Akira первая!! - > длиной самое интересное дебюта Intel друга - > Япония большого молока, вашей [hanna] [minkusu] более старой сестры - > допустимый предел кота корзины, как для Кристмас? - > низкое →ipad завершения девушки экономии топлива [haiji] даже в славолюбии кота большом! - > страх

    • Coming to an end December 30th of 11 of year when memory the shadow you chase for a long time, a liberal translation
      Therefore now, the work which has been received on January 4th it submits with mail attachment, adds the claim of the client and enters into the finish directly, it planned the end of year beginning of the year and the last night when it is work today when the New Year's greeting card writing is done shopping the general cleaning for New Year's Day to nighttime, but because there is no time, when about 2 days because tomorrow, not being elbowroom in the time when it modifies in New Year's Eve, in Christmas eve drinking with the Hamada house, returning after caught cold, the racketeer racketeer it had done, cold healed, but as for the New Year's greeting card which after that, is invited in the friend and goes to drinking there is a place where it does not like in print,Redoing entirely, but thing of every year when you eat time, the end of year beginning of the year overbusying, [itoyo] where also large congestion of the shopping which hateful becomes dejected %

    Professor Takeda, Reportage,

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