- Dining together & nursery school guardian meeting, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/angeliv/entry-10264326373.html The large quantity it received the sushi and the sashimi where the front of the Edo is tasty Большое количество оно получило суши и sashimi где фронт Edo вкусен
- Japanese Letter
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/xkxpd325/e/9a9d2e85b85dbb743647068f22d68bd7 While thinking, it entered into the sushi shop before the Edo Пока думающ, оно включилось в магазин суш перед Edo
- I recently read comics.
http://myhome.cururu.jp/hanasui/blog/article/21002791707 First however the mountain it is with the [tsu] [te] you wrote, however the mountain you have not done, thinking that we would like to climb in the mountain, the [ru, a liberal translation Во первых однако гора оно с [tsu] [te] вы написали, тем ме менее гора вы сделанный бедный человек, думающ что мы хотел быем взобраться в горе, [ru
Edomae Sushi, Food And Drinks , Phrase,