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○■ fatのダッフルコー h&mの... They are the glasses of the watch Kotake Chobee work of new era cap fat of slip on supreme of skinny underpants vans of parka uniqlo of the duffle coat h&m of fat
○■ さて、衣替えの私 味方はこれ... To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
○■ itsumoyoku iku saito sa nni �� maishuu 2 nin de touban demoiinodeha ���� tte kai teattakedo �� konkai no housou wo mite tashikani soukamo �� tte omocchi yaimashita
○■ 「君が」でちょっ 内股になっ... With “you” becoming the just a little inner thigh, “it is there”, while with lifting the right arm, the smiling face in Sho the seriousness [ya] ~ [tsu] ♪, a liberal translation
○■ Up-to-date article Februa ry 3rd “of [nitsuki]” category (gold) [bu] and that 2 February 2nd of coming (wood) [bu] and that 2 February 2nd of coming (wood) [bu] and that 1 February 1st of coming (water) [bu] and that 2 February 1st of coming (water) [bu] and coming that 1
○■ 「あと5分!」 フ ワーア... “Rear 5 minutes!” Flower arrangement, a liberal translation
○■ 水は地下水ですが すぐに濁っ... The water it is the underground water, but becoming turbid directly, with the mud water increased
○■ Because Tokyo fell now mo rning, it is to think that it becomes cool, but the [a] applying, (the dialect? ) Muggy, a liberal translation
○■ 二人とも紺色のダ フルコート... Also two people wearing the duffle coat of cobalt, especially s you the face had been overturned with the hood
○■ It does upper two well an d… which the underpants wear as, cannot handle! How, if the [se] the color jeans it was possible to be, (laughing) well, if it was good! It is what, [doushitamondaka, a liberal translation
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