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    electronics related words Panasonic

    • From morning
      Inserting into such a land, it is not to be [ru] reason, but the daughter who looks at the worldwide land increases, mock examination, 2 men remaining, but as for the eldest son the schedule which goes to play becomes already useless and 1st of today pulls and two men who probably are to be confined increase heat sleeping, coming out of yesterday, still, with the Rugby companion getting together, the karaoke doing, if you receive from the child of cod cold feeling and know 3 people knocking down, it increases, when the weak [tsu] [chi] you say completely, the [wa] story which is not it is different at all, but the printer is useless, that because you use, way (the daughter) it is new you buy, whether, with the leaflet seeing what where the ink does not enterBeing cheap you are surprised, the copy and the scanner are attached and the [te] about 7000 Yen, now seems that does fairly well with only printing… Whether [kezudenki] it probably will go,

    • Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • Цифровой фотокамера было куплено
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • Foreboding of large explosion!?
      j2 27th paragraph ([kezudenkisutajiamu] Mito) Mito 0-2 draw putting considerably, above 5 successive defeats results are not produced, [buingu] quickly in vain already, “don't you think? it was the good tournament”, the [tsu] [te] saying, there is no [ru] level, don't you think? yesterday the number of chutes Mito considerably with 15, 6 even then, seeing, as for the air which it can win without doing, “something?” is not enough, that “what which you think that it is?” when being found, large… there is foreboding which explodes! Praying large explosion,… yesterday you ate, “the volcanic and others [a] [me] it is” before the explosive sun/size…

    • 作为在大众化的一个JIN-仁- [YA] Riyuuma传输地点区域!
      每天继续的热的日常生活,来这里,因为看起来成为听见冲程的那个是,今天也是,希望注意每天各种各样的新闻流动的小腿,但是,…前面国务部长讲话和至于为一个最近一定问题在j公司的记者的秽在它知道前面国务部长的采访的,碗Lu需要的解释日本教育水平是否最后也落对这里,是否时间的问题在尊严之前的…与作为被认为令人悲痛的记者,但是在公民被选择的人 甚而在临时地与竞选,是否怎么被任命作为国务部长countryConfronting的,无需做和请求任一自已介绍,至于讲话在那口气,那一个作为人是… ? 是被认为的被写由搜集数据这样人… j公司的文章,它是使用它有的这样人井…的事,对j公司的不信任它乘坐了,但是过去

    • Contribución sumaria 2011/09/22 del gorjeo
      ¿negocio de Hakodate del kkngmc que es bueno, si hay trabajo, moviéndose incluso directamente, no obstante usted envolvió, el más viejo hijo debe ver el apuro del padre, usted no piensa? 09/2122: Comprando el alimento, comemos el kkngmc 01 esta noche en el cuarto del hotel y [mA] haga 09/2121 y, nosotros beben y [mA] hacemos: Porque la cuñada de a veces 27 kkngmc, kana cansado de cuidado nosotros vuelve ser ido lejano, de esta manera, sólo, el diente es [yu], 09/2119: 09/2116 que hemos estado sobre ése ahora cuando está en el kkngmc 14 [kezudenki], el amo cambiará al teléfono elegante: Sacudida de la vainilla y después de comer la patata, impulsión de la ciudad de Hakodate [u] es soñoliento con el payaso afortunado de 38 kkngmc [u] 09/2114: ¡Vino al payaso afortunado de 49 kkngmc! 09/2114: El kana 09/2112 que irá probablemente a en alguna parte tanto como el kkngmc 00 el coche de alquiler se pide prestado hoy: Aunque cuando el kkngmc 38 [a] - [a], usted duerme con los padres caseros de que Yukichi Fukuzawa guarda el volar y podría permanecer, ese 09/2112 usted piensa ardientemente: Si kkngmc 13 mañana por la mañana, tifón 15 en el aterrizaje de Hokkaido bien, [sea] el 09/2111 que cómo se hace: kkngmc 42 [hote

    • O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
      Il s'est approché à [kezudenki] ce qui est ouvert énormement à Morioka mais il est celui bientôt, il est entré dans la vue solidement, déjeuner de ≪ quant au déjeuner du jour principal de ce panneau ≫ circulaire « la nourriture dont le nom décisif est cerisier spatial de beau ici 彩 que c'est la cellule » le ≪ laissé le de déjeuner ≫500 qui est juste - ! [A] que vous entendez ? Inhalation avec le déjeuner de 500 Yens ! Quant à 500 contenus de Yens, [aliment cuits de bol de croquette de menchikatsu] de petits il est devenu le vide, quant à ceci qui s'approche au jour, il change en le kana de application mini- végétal mariné de mouche d'agitation de ⇒ de nouilles [raisumenchikatsu] ? Néanmoins, pour 500 Yens également ce contenu appliquant des nouilles étant savoureuses en de l'air, grand être satisfaisant, il fait, [yo] - bol brûlant de viande de bon ≫ de ≪ placer (. 850) La nouille choisit, est placée de la perte partielle positive par le bol de viande du feu du milieu de 3 types et, quant au choix [tsu] où ces nouilles chinoises de miso des nouilles chinoises de miso sont bons récemment, de rencontrer les nouilles chinoises savoureuses sont beaucoup que le menu Sawayama d'ensemble était à en plus de et [tsu] [PA], restant

    • [Принимать пилюльки возобновлением почты
      В электрическом приборе района где пилюлька принимая сосуд закуплена окончательно ему нет и [tsu] [te], с сетью [kezudenki] ее почтовая оплата свободно для 378 иен и пилюльки моего [torenka] которому можно купить долей проверки mixi где [yu] [u], ~ смешное и с взятиями при пилюлька принимая сосуд

    • , a liberal translation
      Because the ear phone was broken, because the type where the substance which is 1980 Yen of audio Technica make which is bought with [kezudenki] enters into the hole of the ear installation characteristic is bad you were troubled, but as for the opening air type which at the manufacturer and price is made the product of the 此 it is to be able to try on, but as expected ear phone type price and being convenient, the installation impression only of verifying with your own eye which does not have the fitting item the type which is avoided to be many either one is good to be bad or well well was shopping

    • Three consecutive holiday last days
      Dieser Tag, der Tag des einzigartigen Tages der 10. Oktober-Leibeserziehung des Aufräumens ist, hatte vor kurzem den Regen, schliesslich zu fallen, aber dieses Jahr entsprechend gewöhnlichem Jahr was Tag anbetrifft der Leibeserziehung 10. Oktober ist gut, vom Morgen 9 Uhr, welches auch das Home Page von Home Pagekorrektur-Landmitarbeit des Highschool ob verweist, das auf Tsu vor trifft, was [ganbare] mich anbetrifft, das Aufnahmeprüfung auf der 12. haben, der Streetcar ist, der auf und weg von Praxis der beginnenden drei erhält, die, Frau, wenn die Waren, die sie suchen, Tsu schließlich zum halben Kamerahaus des Zeitplanes und passend zu kommen [eiden], welches durch das Auto es mit der Station der Nähe des vorgerückten Sammelreifens wartet Berufsschule der Tomate (α55+70200g) die Umwandlung von dvi und hdmi, das ist, variousWhen das Verbindungsstück gesucht, wenn nach dem Kauf, den mit dem Teil, das im zurückgehenden Eckhaus des 980-Yen-PC-Teils ist, es versucht, sofort zu versuchen, der Standplatz der Personal-Computerstörung, aber die bedauerliche Überprüfungsunzulänglichkeit, die nicht als Verbindungsstück geregelt, weil Sie verwenden können, nachher die abhängig von auch [kezudenki] das Sie nehmen, Überprüfung des Haushaltsgeräts noch dort war eine Zeit

    • The air conditioner of father's house broke down.
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • As for the value of iPod
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • You look back at [hibinokatsupu
      [hibinokatsupu] being done with Hibino Katuhiko Mito which is ended participates with the helping of the management which this time time is 7th several degrees, but as for participating as a team this time 9 rank tie this time in 10 team the ranking above the last time with the goal of… as for the participation team 8 rank… ranking above the last time decided 2 immediate times even with 8 [chimubiri]! (The ¯▽ ¯*) [kiran] art and [korabo] of the soccer during this event morning of theme as for theme of the goal where goal and the ball which are time of art are handmade as for “the boat” and the ball “the [a] because ax kind” “boat” it is theme, the ball whose the goal which [mashi] which tries writing “Isono [hune]” made [mashi] art of the engineering work store is small as expected and is the hand

    • Don't you think? already it is October
      Que outubro que provavelmente mordida é rápido você não pensa? involuntàriamente neste tempo onde é quente ele está quente, embora… [tsu] [te] tinha feito um ruído, porque não muda hoje ainda, a luva semi- está frio, ele é, de aproximadamente 4 dias há a condição do telefone da fixação ser mau comprar o telefone novo com [o danna] e [kezudenki], quando você instala, não há nenhum telefone, ser um problema na linha, para telefonar ao ntt com carreg, se antes que a geração entretanto ele teve a circunstância tornada [do erai], porque agora quanto para ao método de uma comunicação carreg, quanto para a o problema que se transformam de algum modo a maneira - [tsu] [te] que são computador pessoal da almofada você sente e ele é o que, a compra e o ano conduzindo e pensando igualmente mudando o são [ru] [tsu] [te] sentimento

    • Recovery running
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