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windows 8
○■ “The [bu] and it comes and the weather caster where the successor of the pear rice field 昌 filial piety supervision where the protest demonstration to up-to-date article Fuji Telecasting Co. of category is done before the Kao Soap Co., Ltd. head office grows and says, the Shiroi one happiness person bamboo of pulling out 彩 奈 2 [shiyotsutopurikura] of his person the outflow Takami 侑 village [tsu] [te] popularity the windows8 announcement [sumaho] wind which seems, a liberal translation
○■ 20日の決算発表電 会議の中... In balancing of accounts announcement telephone conference on the 20th, a certain analyst, as for intel that it asked whether it is the intention how of coping with the collision with the windows 8 device of arm processor loading which is expected, a liberal translation
○■ … For the developer in conference build from the article of engadget, it announced that it presents “pc” of [samusun] to attendee 5000, a liberal translation
○■ ■intel and google coope rated, android the optimization United States intel and the United States google announced to the atom processor that the cooperation regarding the Mobile platform “android” of google American time 2011 September 13th, in the technical meeting “intel of intel opening developer forum”, was tied
○■ 池袋駅が戦場に、 武鉄道「劇場... The Ikebukuro station in battlefield, the Seibu Railway Co., Ltd. “theater edition Warring States basara” release commemoration riding in a car ticket sale day photo report 16:40 via twitterfeed, a liberal translation
○■ In the test machine, “t he windows” button was prepared in substance lower part, had reached the point where it returns to the foam/home picture mandatorily by the fact that this is pushed, a liberal translation
○■ コスパ、ペーパー イ「グラフィ... [kosupa], the paper toy “you see as the Hatune [miku] '[ji] in [gurahuigu] and” adding the [ku]' 23:09 via twitterfeed, a liberal translation
○■ Even in Japan [rimeiku] t he overseas drama ranking which is wanted doing 15:40 via twitterfeed, a liberal translation
○■ インストール直後 、まぁ色々... Until immediately after the installing, well the varieties and setting moving with rear, it is from the [ru] or, it starts and it becomes a state where you can use
○■ スマートフォンは そのブームと... The boom you insert the smart phone, exactly and as started being popular in the form which is substituted, you have remembered, a liberal translation
○■ windows 8・・・出た ... When the windows 8・・・ it comes out, the kana which probably will be bought…
○■ You think that the one wh ich is replaced from the personal computer of xp it is many, but next term os “windows8 (temporary)” is sold in how next year, so is, a liberal translation
○■ PC maker Dell (DELL) anno unced fourth quarter earnings that fell below analyst estimates. The company earned $764 million, or 43 cents per share, versus $927 million, or 48 cents per share and in the same period last year. Revenue increased by two percent to $16.03 billion and beating analysts estimates by $70 million. The company also said that it expects revenue for the first quarter of 2012 to drop by about seven percent and translating to an amount $100 million below analyst estimates. Dell also said that it plans to design a Windows 8 tablet later this year after Microsoft (MSFT) introduces the new operating system. null and responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus: 40
○■ 「パソコン備忘録 カテゴリの... As for Japanese edition of up-to-date article windows 8 beta “of personal computer memorandum” category when? Those 2 new model optical portable windows of new model optical portable search apps of 8 and firefox beta windows 8
○■ windowsはarmでも動く ... windows moves even with arm and also intel places android, * Microsoft, the details “of windows 8” clearly--build event microsoft American time September 13th, in the build event of the same company which is held in the California state Anaheim, made the details of the next generation os of the same company “windows 8” finally clear, a liberal translation
○■ Microsoft showc... Micros oft showcased its Windows 8 ON tablets at the BUILD conference this week. We wrote previously about how Windows 8 will be the single most important factor to the company's revenues next year. Microsoft this week on the tablet, displaying the Windows 8 in BUILD interview
○■ The starting logograph of windows being indicated, until the lock picture is indicated, 5 seconds, a liberal translation
○■ windows 8のブルース. .. The [burusukurin] of death of windows 8 a little became lovely with face mark, well, you cannot lose the blues cleanliness itself and w
windows 8
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