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○■ * Large hit drama jin-仁 -映画化, the continuation you release!? The unexpected reaction of tbs!?
* Large [buingu]! Last time “jin” filming which is the [gu] which is the [gu]? tbs unexpected reaction (evening paper [huji]) - yahoo! Quotation… tbs Sunday receives the last time in *20 day theater “jin-仁 -” to how to end, voice of confusion has risen from the viewer of part from news
○■ * Perfection is decorated in drama audience rating jin-仁-最終 time audience rating 25.3%! This year commercial broadcast connected gong highest audience rating * popularity drama 'jin-仁 -' last time, in this year commercial broadcast connected gong highest audience rating 25.3% perfection ([orikon]) - yahoo! From news quotation… * Osawa high the popularity drama 'jin-仁 which serves starring -' the last time (20 day broadcast tbs system) audience rating, 25.3% (Kanto area program average) with, recording the highest audience rating with the present term connected gong at present time on the 21st, it was understood with investigation of video research
○■ ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
<2009 fall the last time! Thought review classified by drama>
◎2010 year winter drama January period new drama cast official sight coming out orator subject song degree of expectation summary
○■ [Casting introduction + i nterview] of luxurious actor position, [synopsis] of drama first half and [principal cast round table talk] [stage area introduction] [historical special edition] etc, 1 volumes of contents completeness
○■ * Continual drama “tumb ling” 2nd story [netabare] thought review Yamamoto Yutaka model Seto healthy history Miura Sho flat other things
○■ * Fukuyama “deep emotio n it is deep”,… “Riyuuma transmission” first Kochi location - the entertainment - from quotation… * the NHK big river drama “Riyuuma transmission” which is started on January 3rd of next year (after 8.0 the Sunday) photographing on the 19th, for the first time was done in Riyuuma's Sakamoto home & Kochi prefecture, the actor of starring, elegance Osamu Fukuyama (40) “deep emotion was deep also be embarrassed
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