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    • iTunes9.1
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    • Good list of races to watch | Michael Tomasky
      At OpenLeft.com, the progressive activist and consultant Mike Lux has produced an interesting list of 16 key House races liberals ought to pay attention to. It's definitely worth a read. Lux puts Tom Periello's reelection campaign at the top of his list because he is a freshman progressive Democrat who barely won in 2008 and has voted pretty much down the line for HCR and so ON. If he can somehow get himself reelected, which at this point is a bit of a long shot but not impossible and that would be a hopeful sign. And how about this race: CA-45. Steve Pougnet. This is a district carried by Obama in 2008, and Steve (the Palm Springs Mayor) is running a solid race. He would be the first openly gay dad in Congress and as well as the first legally married gay man elected to Congress. Mary Bono Mack has always had some vulnerabilities and it's time to take her out. The first married gay man! I am way for that guy and I hope some of these loony-toons from down south get trapped in the elevator with him. Mary Bono Mack, by the way, is the post-Cher wife (and ergo widow) of Sonny Bono, who for those of you who don't know became an off-the-charts right-winger after the singing career went poof and although by today's standards he was probably a moderate. Palm Springs, Cali, in the desert and was from the 50s forward an arch Republican redoubt. It was just about rich people and golf and self-exiled Hollywood types of that political persuasion (sadly, to me, including Ginger Rogers and who became deeply right-wing as the years went ON, obviously forgetting the moral of undeservedly little-remembered I'll Be Seeing You and in which she co-starred with the great Joseph Cotten). But over the course of the 90s and aughts it became tres gay. But I think that may be kind of a weekend-seasonal thing and so I'm With OpenLeft.com, as for progressive activity and the consultant, as for microphone Lax pay attention to the expectation which has produced the list whose liberal group of the key house race/lace 16 is interesting
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    • NZ rapist facing new charges in Cambodia, a liberal translation
      A New Zealander jailed in 2004 for raping five teenage Cambodian girls between the ages of 14 and 19 is now facing new charges of defamation and disinformation filed by a charity group which looks after vulnerable women and children. Graham… New Zealand to rape the girl Cambodia of five teen up to 14 - 19 years old, reality. Vulnerability, woman and children. The care of Graham is imprisoned in 2004 has faced the new fee of honorable damage and the fake which are submitted by the charitable organization,…, a liberal translation
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    • It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
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    • It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
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    • It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
      It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
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    • It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
      country is rein spending has among vulnerable Eastern Europe . kuni 経済的 keizaiteki 最も mottomo 東欧 touou の 脆弱性 zeizyakusei の sisyutu の yokusei を kokoromi て
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      It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
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    • Please note that the linked pages are in Japanese.
      Please note that the linked pages are in Japanese.
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    • These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
      These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
      Das Eindringen in Googles Computer und die bezogenen Angriffe zeigen auf die steigende Weltklugheit solcher Angriffe und die Verwundbarkeit sogar der besten Verteidigung. Hinsichtlich dieser Art des Angriffs. Den Computer und den in Verbindung stehenden Angriffspunkt von Google eindringen, der verfeinert wird, Verwundbarkeit der höchsten Verteidigung

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      Das zweitägige Kernsicherheitsgipfel wird festgelegt, um sich am Montag in Washington und in der Erfassung der internationalen Gemeinschaft zu öffnen sich verletzbare, Kernmaterialien zu sichern und Taten von Kernterrorismus zu verhindern zu besprechen. Eine der Bemühungen der Welt für Kernnichtverbreitung und Abrüstung ist die Publikation des Vertrags AUF der Nichtverbreitung der Kernwaffen (NPT). Das folgende ist eine kurze Einleitung zum NPT. In den sechziger Jahren und die Vereinigten Staaten und die Sowjetunion steigerte ihr nuclea… Was sicheres Gipfel anbetrifft des Kernes 2 Tagesterrorismus. Montag, der geplant werden, sich zu öffnen, das Material der Verhinderung und Verhalten Kernwashington, Ansammlungsland. Die Gemeinschaft hinsichtlich der Garantie von Verwundbarkeit die Bestimmung, die die Publikation für das Anpacken der Welt von einer non- Verbreitung des Abrüstung und von Atomenergie ist. Kernwaffe (die non- Verbreitung von NPT)

    • Kurds should make the most of a divided Baghdad| Ranj Alaaldin
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    • It offers the fresh talkings of Japanese directly.
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    • It offers the fresh talkings of Japanese directly.
      foreign who are now Sri they monitor presidential elections defeated recently . Forty Asian Elections ( AAEA reporters they observe centers are vulnerable . , who have country . . . si 現在 genzai スリランカ gaikoku の senkyo kansi 要員 youin が niti kita と higasi を hukumu すべて の 地区 tiku 大統領 daitouryou senkyo タミールタイガー hanrangun saikin 敗北 haiboku を kansi する と nobe
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    • opinion piece , evaluation / appreciation , suggestions, discussion, debate, issues, reviews, thoughts, feedback,
      It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
      A ultima historia japonesa, mas a abundancia de problema primas

    • Japanese Letter
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    • Japanese Letter
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    • Japanese weblog
      A POWERFUL typhoon was poised for a direct hit ON Taiwan today, sending residents scurrying for cover, farmers hurrying to harvest vulnerable crops and rescue crews evacuating people in mountainous regions vulnerable to landslides. The person of the standpoint where the powerful typhoon the Taiwan direct bomb hit, today, cover being flurried transmission, as for the peasant harvests the inhabitant, at rescue team mountain area is weak in landslide 避. Hurrying the vulnerability crop, it had been ready
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    • weblog title
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    • In praise of… Sunderland Point
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    • Angela Merkel's ban ON naked short-selling is brave and not naive
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    • Japanese talking
      You're at a gig and surrounded by strangers and listening to the emotional music of your teenage years. Is it OK to blub and or too embarrassing for words? Weeping at gigs isn't something I generally walk around boasting about, largely because I'm a boy and boys don't cry and therefore I… Do… Not… Cry… NNNING! But I'll be damned if the urge to throw OFF my repressed shackles hasn't overtaken me today. You see, I saw Suede the other night and they made me weep like Pavarotti after a serious bit of onion chopping. My eyeballs were, for want of a better word and leaking. Suede are, of course, famous for playing doom-laden and emotional glam rock and so it wasn't entirely surprising that I felt a twinge of introspection as they went about their business. But I suspect a few other elements were at work here: for example, Suede were a big part of my teenage years, soundtracking my trauma and romance with yet more trauma and romance, until my life was basically a Jean Genet novel and except with a few bongs and Mario Kart races thrown in. Then there's the crowd factor; music is usually a private experience and whether you're iPodding ON the tube or lying ON your bedroom floor. But surround yourself with complete strangers and for some reason your emotions go crazy and leaving you vulnerable to earnest-sounding ballads (which suddenly sound as all-powerful as the final scenes of ET). I'm not entirely sure why this happens and but here's a quick guess: by surrounding yourself with strangers you're also exposing yourself to public scrutiny - but if you can overcome that and sing along like a complete idiot anyway and then the whole thing becomes strangely liberating. Like dancing naked ON a beach. Here I am! Naked! For everyone to see! And I'm going to weep! Sob sob. There are, of course and miti In your gig, it is surrounded in the person who is not recognized, inquires about the feeling music of your teen
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    • weblog title
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    • Japanese weblog
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    • Japanese talking
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    • original letters
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    • Bus cuts drive Americans back to cars | Sasha Abramsky
      It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
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    • original letters
      With countries' vulnerability to natural disasters rising as their development levels fall and Dominican Republic President Leonel Fernandez ON Thursday called for the creation of a new global coalition under United Nations auspices of nations at risk of catastrophe to share experiences and knowledge. This year alone, he told General Assembly ON the first day of its annual high-level segment and there have been 47 floods and landslides; 12 hurricanes and cyclones and typhoons; eight serious droughts f… Fall, disaster of development level. As for vulnerability of the country, as for president Leonel Fernandez Thursday the startup, to natural the republic and Dominica republic, the new 12 hurricanes which even just this year are called experience of stocks and worldwide combination of compilation under donor country Japan of the country with catastrophe of risk to knowledge, cyclone and the typhoon; He every year talked general meeting to first day of usual high level segment, there were 47 floods and a landslide. As for serious drought f…
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    • Japanese Letter
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    • original letters
      have been raised monitoring sex offenders after able networking Facebook vulnerable . . . 後 ato 英国 eikoku の yuuzai 判決 hanketu を 受け uke goukan ソーシャル ネット を riyou が でき 脆弱性 zeizyakusei の dai の yuuzin Facebook 浮上 huzyou situmon sei 犯罪者 hanzaisya の 活動 katudou の kansi つい て teiki れ て い . . .
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    • original letters
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      A ultima historia japonesa, mas a abundancia de problema primas

    • World leaders call ON states to secure vulnerable nuclear material in four years
      &$ &$Chinese President Hu Jintao (4th R and front) poses for a group photo with other world leaders during the Nuclear Security Summit at the Washington Convention Center in Washington and April 13,2010 0. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) &$&$ World leaders gathering in U.S capital Washington ON Tuesday called ON states to secure vulnerable nuclear material in their respective countries in four years and in a bid to prevent terrorist and cri… As for &$ as for &$ Chinese 胡 brocade 濤 President (4th R, front), Washington world. At the time of the leader of security of the pause of the photograph and the other group with summit of the nucleus, prevent the leader of the Washington center convention year April 13,2010 0 (Xinhua finance/Japanese plum Xueren) &$ &$ worlds is called capital city collection and American Washington 4 which in Tuesday country which, guarantees the respective material the vulnerability which in the nucleus at state year, bid terrorism and CRI…
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    • The EU must help Pakistan | Wajid Shamsul Hasan
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    • original letters
      recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
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    • Japanese talking
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    • Japanese Letter
      It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
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    • Letters: Acpo and obsolete gay sex offences
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    • Nuclear security summit ends with pledge and plan to thwart nuclear terrorism
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    • Is the global nuclear summit all talk and no walk?
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    • US summit expected to back Barack Obama's plan to prevent nuclear theft
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    • original letters
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    • Iraq voting shattered by deadly blasts
      shattered round , killing 17 highlighting fragile country's security gains elections this Sunday . . . . バグダッド timeiteki な 爆発 bakuhatu の moziretu を kyou 17 人 nin が 死亡 sibou イラク の giketuken の 早期 souki 粉砕 hunsai と 今後 kongo の 重要 zyuuyou な 議会 gikai senkyo Sunday . kuni の anzen ho 。 rieki の 脆弱性 zeizyakusei を 強調 kyoutyou . . .
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    • Tsunami hits Japan, 70,000 evacuated
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    • Hong Kong shares lose 1.31pc at break
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    • How journalists embedded in Afghanistan are too close for comfort
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    • 警告!最悪のコンピュータウィルス登場!  その2
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      A ultima historia japonesa, mas a abundancia de problema primas

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