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    To Heart,

    Video Game related words When They Cry Hayate the combat butler Little Busters! The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion To Heart2 Heart To Heart Evangelion

    • Japanese weblog
      kanji character , for multilingual communication

    • Japanese Letter
      issue , linked pages are Japanese

    • ToHeart2 [ma] - [ri] [ya]它是前辈- [suku]鼠蹊衣裳ver。 -白领工人完成品形象[griffon企业] >
      制造商: Griffon企业销售天: 09个年05 Tukisita十年系列名字: toheart2 [suku]水系列原始姓名: 塑造老师的toheart2 : Morikawa Yutaka光学1/7pvc的前辈做是的油漆完整完成品共计高度这次是出现用逗人喜爱的白色的大约23cm [suku]水! “[ma] - [ri] [ya]它是从非常普遍到heart2” [suku]水系列‘[suku]鼠蹊前辈的衣裳ver’。 [ma] [是在Hakusui到来的ripeintokara]编辑的出现- [ri] [ya]它在被做的表示[hatsuratsu]前辈,至于有透明印象亲合力珍珠白色的游泳穿戴的[batsugun]! 她的高兴[a]看见[a]看见成为工作自由地被再生产的大会办公处toheart2 [ma] - [ri] [ya]它是前辈- [suku]鼠蹊衣裳ver。 -白领工人完成品形象[griffon企业] > 5,110日元(包括税) 23%! 画廊图片* [ma] - [ri] [ya]它是资深[suku]鼠蹊衣裳白色ver。 乐观储蓄情况* [ma] - [ri] [ya]它是资深[suku]鼠蹊衣裳白色ver。 雅虎储蓄情况

    • Le visage de sourire qui la poignée qu'il fait et la revue d'animation (7) à la 10ème histoire de coeur « elle rêve »
      Quand il réarrange la salle, même point de départ de nous apercevons la gestion que vous pouvez dire, dvd fait « à coeur » d'édition d'animation a été excavé, il y a aucun se rappellent [nantoka] ce que juste était « II » il y a la vente, à l'animation est converti la première édition obtenant [e] que, c'est le cas qu'il a eu le dvd normalement avec la boîte dans le même temps que le logiciel d'édition de picoseconde dû au [te] et le consommateur vous a moulé cependant ont oublié, parce que c'est la bonne occasion, vous la vente de pensée, qui, mais est, si avec soin spécial est, avant la vente, pour essayer de vous voir essayent, continuent l'histoire de la rouille 4 et faire d'essai de revue

    • Morgen ob unbrauchbar
      Der Taifun 1, der unerwartet, Sie Gedanke, aber das Wetter ist, morgen dort ist kein auftritt, Tag des Wochengefühls, Verständnis mit dem Kopf, ob das abschüssige, ob unbrauchbares Gefühl direkt die Freitag-Weise scheint, es scheint die Samstag-Weise gut, es sei denn… stufenweise, er hält, in das Gehen zu ändern, Modus zu bearbeiten, aber bei der Firma ist das Austauschen so rau, wenn der Anmerkungs-PC, was, glaubt, das Anzeige verachtet, wenn es ist das Haus, die Augenlinie gerade? , weil es gerade wenig oben ist, ob die Methode, die die Anordnung änderte, in der das Auge müdes Sein besserer heutiger Tag wird, Sonneknochenherz zum Herzen/zum David sanborn

    • Newcomer ♪ of expectation
      kid cudi/day 'n' night (crookersremix) the album of kanye '808 ' even with “welcome to heartbreak” of the s heartbreak' inside feat. it did kid cudi and poured attention, but if at a stroke so so you mention the newcomer who is the newcomer of break expectation with this tune, in the past [yo] ~ June 8th lady gaga which is introduced visits Japan for the first time to Japan (month) with like something which does the showcase event with shibuya-ax Tsuga there “it becomes and the drill [gaga] contest” also those which become have, it seems as for the person who would like to apply to the [i] contest participation lively * [kochira] * When the mustard [tsu] oak the [kiwadoi] appearance it has done excessively, before arriving to the meeting place, [taiho] it is done, the [chi] [ya] it may be being, without such a thing [tsu] [te] [yo] [ohoho] and the gaga sun

    • Los a las cuales Harada da….
      ¿El amigo Harada quién usted ata algo, de varias maneras da el presente le agradece siempre aquí presente reciente???????? ¿Hace tan y usted no piensa? [yo] ...... con, vierte la agua caliente cuando, como para el nombre de este té donde florece la flor del té tan lindo “centro para centrar la muestra de la fase (el ojal así que ella del ojal es ser)” = “sincero” venir, es el ~~~~ [del ya] y, uno más, allí no es ninguna placa, ......, él no es el pollo, es, ...... montar a caballo en eso, [ru], montar a caballo [del wasatsu] completamente, [ru], yo que amamos, “[pakuchi]” así pues, yo [pakuchi] donde muchos grados fallan en la cultivación que planta, el outYou que viene del brote puede comer en el pájaro, es hacer el pensamiento de cuál es el ser fastidioso, Harada del graduado del Departamento de Agricultura, como esperado le levantó está agradable, recibió sabroso, recibió, enteramente solo para comer, un mejor cubo de madera [ji] así que es y, gracias siempre

    • D'intime
      L'une personne moyenne [PO] de l'obscurité tiré à quatre épingles la lumière sérieuse qui entre là où c'est lui vient avec bonté et puissance de l'épaule qui enlèvera probablement le mur du coeur de main retirant entièrement, le temps où quelque chose peut saisir également le fait qu'il est a laissé l'écoulement d'important là ainsi de la conversation intime avec le coeur chacun qui oublie certainement, tous les deux [RU] vous vivent, il est splendide, donc seul devenir l'équilibre adulte chacun est, il est, croyant, croyant le demain qu'il commencera probablement à marcher, dans l'ordre l'antenne du coeur de sourire de visage de la personne optique chaude où… il flotte là où le ciel d'air qui a été stagnant l'éclaircissent tout seul s'étirera probablement autour pour devenir fort, l'information ceux qui seul n'est pas obtenue chacun donne certainement ainsi du heartWith intime le petit courage que le contact certainement chacun est vent de queue amicalement aimable accoutumé recevant dans le grand dos de trésor, en avant ceci maintenant que vous faites un pas sur l'une étape visant vers rêveur même sur la longue route,… coeur fongueux… -----Ceci qui représente le poème lyrique, est probablement il ce qui qui est la poésie qui a été faite, le courant notre le sentiment vous soutenu au delà par vous-même, étant grondé et étant encouragé pense vraiment la compréhension. Sans se déplacer, il aura été nerveux, bien que vous sachiez qu'il devrait changer la route qui il est et avance graduellement

    • Зрачок долины острова
      ♪ramblin'作詞 Ueda. Верноподданический зрачок долины острова песни торжества Yoshikawa состава стопорного устройства один день связывать, каждое i 2 сердца будучи придержанным в чисто влюбленности и плакать и 3 времени которая принесенный спотыкаться 4 листь перемещать которому вы направляете прожитие сильно, что время чего вроде вы рисуете будущее в свободном небе которому усмехаться сторона оно будет зацвести окончательно оно может полюбить судьбу, малый запрос полностью игра вещи анормалная [ri] которая поистине жизнь и придено вне и встреча может быть самолюбив, утро путя roadone ramblin которое держит гуляя приходить, к сердцам обоим прошлый когда оно не идет вне сопроводить жизнь которая будет сыграйте в принуждая мире который поистине свет влюбленности вызывает dazzlingly и прикрепленный путь дрожать которое может harken в голосе сердца которое раз на времени будет даровать сновидение вы не забываете то ощупывание которое заплакало, боль поистине комода влюбленности довольно чем делающ ренегатство, скрепление которое не изменяет дорогу ramblin которая малый запрос полностью игра вещи анормалная [ri] которая поистине жизнь и придено вне и встреча могут быть самолюбивы, держит погулять жизнь которая будет сыграна в принуждая мире где поистине в реальном маштабе времени вы присягаете зрачку тепло и защищаете и очень воюющ [u] меня встряхивание в ветре и что время чего вроде будущее рисует в небе дороги ramblin свободно которое выдерживает дождь судьба можно полюбить, поистине звоноки света влюбленности dazzlingly и прикреплено

    • 振动。
      当颜色它时,虽然是的头发明亮[tsu] [凯爱] [ya] [tsu] [te]…公司它是, [rita] ゙ -它在[喂] ゙ [kuhi] ゙ [ku]和回归场合叫,… “〇,头发的主要太阳” [美国兵] [ya] []!! []最后来!!! (゜д゜;)被注意的准备完成您不认为? “〇,伤害的头发,您的主要太阳叫对[ru]或,在它不是之前? 由于有您推荐的治疗您不认为? 它举,当它是★1人的生活时,按摩是否,不用能买,您不认为? 它做,并且[yo]然而明天有它来和的♪” [ya] o (゜∇゜*o) (o*゜∇゜) o~♪领导人上帝是否是和我[rita] ゙ -起重机起重机的头发方式您大概将瞄准物理核对的结果来了,…,在所有低它是血压之后,您是否不认为? 当我们得到它开始您在早晨听见的黑眼睛豌豆时,如果的紧张笑[如此]上升-您说,煤尘゙ [chiyan],并且对心脏热量唱或陈述它做了与昨天卡拉OK演唱要做的把柄!! 时间分支[yuuji

    • L'amour est puissance !
      est-ce qu'coeur - nous voudrions mourir en aimant, - aujourd'hui quand il est-il [au sujet de] [tsu] [font] il retourne-t-il avec l'absolu [shiyutsu] avec lequel retourne [shiyutsu], est l'air où le poulet apparaît dans l'appel de 嗚 de self-abandonment le rêve actuel qu'assoupi fait… cependant vous a oublié, dans le rose c'est le 3ème jour à aujourd'hui de la tasse de réunion, faisant ce que, vous passez probablement le rose qui peut sécher vers le haut, est ? … D'ailleurs, la couleur bleue peut sécher être en hausse sérieuse, est

    • Потому что оно было неспособно выдержать впечатление одиночества
      Средние школы временно одного года которые начинают посмотреть [tsu] приходящ к heart2. Вещь поля цитрона вы увидели и… не был, вкус поля цитрона с такое молодое [ge] симпатичным старший www [tsu] [te] толкнуто был треской ядреной, им увеличили, вы не думаете?

    • (=゜ω゜) No
      And the [ho] - the w school looking at 2 periods of thing nutrient medium portable www unskillful rear which today when it does was done, we want to heart2 directly with net Amazon, we want, we would like to do, we would like to do saying, the friend the [tsu] [tsu] [te] gave with the cod [ma] [ji]!!!!!!! Just a little doing, when it settles, rental Good Heavens - the [tsu] [te] (=゜ω゜) the no it is delightful, it is delightful, it is delightful!! Now also the girl does [giyaruge], it is!! The taste high school life send properly together the [chi] [ya] [u]!! [kimowota] www which it passes the child which is really attached under during next year unless there is [wota], thinks that it is unreasonable, therefore it is w which is it decided!! Don't you think? it goes to the collection buying with also dsi, (=゜ω゜) the no

    • *遮阳
      退回到父母的在家,但是[ru]它是,它是自由的,什么时候\ (^o^) /you提及程度业余时间, nana读书,花人读书, [seramun]清洁比赛,母亲率゙的未婚[ho] ゙ [i]琐细的゙ - ? 做,那对看见的心脏[凯爱] [ya] [u] w是好,附有会议[ku它等待您被尝试的附有!!的]谣言[ge]! 它等待是重的这样是[ge],当您关闭,至于这样a的是的眼影紫色的击中时生存透明的孩子, w是的地方[ru]。 击中生存透明的孩子,您买看见的抽奖皮带并且渔它密集地去的倾斜的申请,是哦这月球p到达\的它是[ro] (^o^)/

    • ToHeart et droit de propriété intellectuel je
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , original meaning

    • [pushiyuke] (Seele) Transfiguration
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , for multilingual communication

    • Nenhum título
      O heart*┼ do *to do � que retorna….∽ do � do ∽………. o ┼ 2009 dezembro 2õ (sábado) [a] os 02 que cada handmade usual do ano este ano [wa] cada ano o comparou a um girou e fêz pequeno: 46

    • Kein Titel
      Das � *to heart*┼, das zurückgeht….∽… �… ∽…. ┼ 2. Januar 2010 (Samstag) die [nepurigu] Hauptsache tut es, [bezüglich] 20:29 [e

    • The Fukuoka store 4 floor solfa
      State: disc condition satisfactory this time, solfa heart to heart ~from iyunaline to solfa2~ is introduced shield and [suzunonesebun] of the maiden and the protection which are loved! And so on with music project solfa which adapts, rita and brown thickness is various vocalists and in addition to the album one fog fire which [korabo] is done, 悠 season et. al, with [toko] which would like to hear [kore] where the luxurious member connects name quickly the shank ♪ * as for the mail order page [kochira]* The Fukuoka store, payment on delivery it added to mail order payment method* * When we sell it sells out even with the day shop front, there is a publication commodity and, as for acceptance of mail order 12: We have become from 30, please acknowledge beforehand * the charge forest

    • Très
      Ne pensez-vous pas ? [tsu] de venir le temps diminuez et d'autres W étant emballé, ne pensez-vous pas ? le chêne et d'autres de [RU] bien que [e] (c'est soirée de jour de la semaine, il reste et ne diminue pas complètement de 39 minutes cependant et bon il attend-vous patiemment, quand le riz que vous voyez, ne pensez-vous pas ? après que tout là ne soit ardent aucun Eric le chêne et d'autres, toutefois le favori de la bourse de votre berger il semble, ne pensez-vous pas ? également coeur de l'OMC sortant, il est-vous [RU], ne pensez-vous pas ? au Cs qu'il convertit cela, ne pensez-vous pas ? [e] ? I sachant, le puits [RU] [eroge] - > l'animation [GE] générale [tsu] [te] il est bon extrêmement, vous ne pensent pas ? quand très que parfois la grande origine est la prohibition 18, connaissant, toutefois vous n'êtes pas étonné et/ou donc comment là est aucun [tsu] [te] chose, ne pensez-vous pas ? si aussi le ~ demain la pluie mais [a] temps de dimanche comme lui récupère, que portera-t-il ? Ainsi il est froid et anti. Matière importante ne pensez-vous pas ? elle disperse externe à l'intérieur du manoir et, massage externe il est du port encombrant, il devient [le ku] et la perturbation, ne pensez-vous pas ? [e] Sakura

    • Antes de dormir, o ♪ do prazer
      Antes ao hoje dormir, ao ler o poema lírico que está cheio do verão em que o acordo novo com todo meu coração você o dança ouve o prazer… se o rasgo ele sai, você não pensa? quanto para [pochi] a fazer carreg, com todo meu ~ do coração você dança, ~ do verão escrevendo a composição lírica: Se se aplicando que aparece no espelho do inoue do shinjiroh você era com uma coisa tão trivial da tecla da camisa que é mudada, isso era bom, se é obstruída à palavra aonde o tempo quando você pensa e não pode se encontrar faz meu amor forte a vida quotidiana que espera cada um que quietamente fará o beijo no mordente entretanto seja demasiado ocupado assim e… você que gostaria de se encontrar é pensado tão simplesmente diretamente… se você de que meu coração gostaria do transportar uma vez mais da chamada do coração, eu vou, nós gostaria de rir de seu lado, ele sou, dor mim que impulsiva a pessoa instantânea do coração um que é dano não pode ser corrigida gostaria de curar ao agora encontrar-se, se você prende seu traço simplesmente e perto e prende o closing, [o ho] e outro… todo o dia você é pensado diretamente… porque você dois graus seu coração não é liberado anymore do coração, se você grita, que mim vai, sempre nós gostaria do proteger, ele é, se você deseja, esgotando tudo, mim deseja onde nós gostaríamos de conceder o sonho eterno futuro que você o extrai o pensa que gostaria de encontrar diretamente… o sorriso para você qual ao coração o emite uma vez mais do coração que é tristes, sendo deliciosos, nós gostaríamos de rir, seu lado que é, com japonês que não é a palavra com de todo meu heartfind mim e eu serei lá para você país nativo aqui ao como o deus do leste que pode transportar o acontecimento de pensamento, [ho] ele é com no grupo enorme a pata

    • To come going back and forth
      Cd of melody of the rain the [a] www which it tries searching you search… to heart and both a side which suffer hardship you did, but don't you think? and the [e]!!! Such memory completely it was not, (^o^)/melody of the rain the good tune ♪ it put out also b album next, (^ω^) 1st the favorite* In bosom or forcing [ya] [a

    • The person lives for the person and the [chi] [ya] is not good
      You must live because your own, after blog of Mr. their life Kitagawa seeing, it cried for the first time when and the pause mail coming, although it did not cry, the east God happening [hu] [a] it is it should read blog of Mr. Kitagawa being, shank [tsu] blog reading, crying, when the [yu] [u] [be] sleeping, already to stop the time, [te] hearing, it cries and forever love hearing, it cries and with all my heart hearing, it cries and love in the ice hearing, the ballad which you hear in crying paragraph current state is dangerous the mv of *picture of you seeing, certainly, it is dangerous, * this seeing without fail, it becomes the cod without ardently don't you think?? The Saipan view being the [me] [tsu] [chi] [ya] clean,…Then five people to play so pleasantly, the [te]…Tune itself, harmony the [ho] it is with being clean, inquiring ww I who am impressed am gone the large quantity probably will see ardently with preparedness, and now about with all my heart, you who the [ru] would like to meet you think directly…If you who my heart would like to convey you once more from heart call, I go, we would like to laugh at your side, it is, if * you desire, exhausting everything, i wish where we would like to grant the future eternal dream which you draw you who would like to meet you think directly…From heart you to heart smile for you which is sent being sad at anything degree, being delightful, we would like to laugh at, your side it is, with all my heartfind me and i'll be there for you

    • A loja 4 floorToHeart2 de Fukuoka
      Seguindo ao álbum do verão, igualmente o álbum do inverno chegou, monta-o estado do does*: observação satisfatória da condição do disco: Quanto para [tereka] ao acordo equipado e ao cantor da gravação um ver tão silencioso da neve do sentimento 1 [tomoshibi]. O gosto & soa 2 a maioria de partido da contagem regressiva da estrela ao ano novo feliz! ver. A placa & [miliampère] - [ri] [ya] é Valentim do coração 3 ao coração que as batalhas decisivas o montam fazem! ver. [shiruhua], [miruhua] e [iruhua] 4 termine o ver do inverno da coisa que você deixa. Estação superior & entre estes de Yuma, e ver da extremidade do inverno da coisa que [tsu] [pa] “você deixa. ” O ~ de combinação que é [susume] ele é um acordo que a melodia amável e [biribiri] & jogando a estação de Yutaka do presidente & a voz do 沁 de Yuma consideram imediatamente no coração, * quanto para à página da ordem de correio [kochira] * a loja de Fukuoka, pagamento na entrega que adicionou ao method* do pagamento da ordem de correio * quando nós o vendemos vendemos para fora mesmo com a parte dianteira da loja do dia, havemos um producto da publicação e, quanto para à aceitação da ordem de correio 12: Nós tornamo-nos de 30, reconhecemos por favor de antemão * a floresta da carga

    • Satiko Suzuki, ziehen bitte sich bereits 2 zurück
      „Satiko Suzuki, Unterhaltungstätigkeit Self-control… im Unmoralbericht“: [Iza]! Einigen Tagen, während der Konfrontation, wenn Anschlussgeschichte des Unmoralgeständnisses Satikos des ursprünglichen Wink Suzuki, der den Artikel gebildet wird, erreicht hat, ist Tätigkeit Self-control er vermutlich sich heraus, setzt gerade wenig, das den Excessiveness hat, das kana, das nicht übermäßig die überschreitene Exzentrizität ist, in so sie neigt, mehr als genug zu haben auch das Büro, ist zum dieser Rede zu tun, weil zu den Partnern was den Leerlauf anbetrifft, der großen Schlag, den, Sie gibt vorübergehend ihn haben die Notwendigkeit zum exuviated fortzufahren, vom Leerlauf leerzulaufen, nicht nur das Büro, das, seiend etwas, der alles [garari] es ist gutes vor Ändern, wenn es Wink, sagt wurde, was die Person anbetrifft, die gewidmet war, eine Art Sache es seiend, die den Traum aufwacht, der ist, der Umfang, der nicht auf numberIt begrenzt wird, nicht wird, wenn und jetzt, wenn bereits sie den Durchlauf von 40 übersteigt, wo auch Einfluss zum Aida Sho Kind, das der Partner ist, unfathomed ist, die Straße, die voranbringen sollte, ist nicht sichtbar, bevor auf diese Weise, das alles mit verliert [shigamitsuku] sich zurückziehen sollte, vermutlich Sache Satiko Suzuki amtlicher Blog „Herz zum Herzen“: Entschuldigung [gatsukari], das sie überschreitet

    • KinKi孩子抒情诗
      大量的日本當前主題 , linked pages are Japanese

    • EXCURSION intime 2010 de D.C.A.
      Pour ne pas devenir chacun entendez-vous la course dont est également aujourd'hui chaude, ne pensez-vous pas ? veuillez prêter l'attention, ne pensez-vous pas ? l'excursion intime 2010 de D.C.A. elle est vendue dans 9/29, si le premier avantage est augmenté également [jiyake] la copie du nouvel air après qu'apprécier de kana qui sera 2 réservés avec des cartes postales et Amazone et les achats routiniers d'absolu de ~ de graine [wa] n'est pas lui l'étudie est avec et il remplace de [ji] [ya] [a] maintenant

    • Os anos 80, CLUBES “afastar-se da CULTURA destes 1 acordos (4)”
      kanji , please visit the following link

    • nothin
      Opinion , original meaning

    • New work arrival*
      | home |2009.04.07 New. Arrival* New work now of the [bu] and coming an careless, heart to heart now here morning* The meeting [ri] it does* As for the actual color tone which reaches in the origin when already a little more kindly thin it raised (you can click the picture even in the shop sight which is the eye, the ♪ which goes to the shop sight) * as for this work* The meeting [ri] it does* The plant of the batch flower which is not the series is theme * | top↑ portal & purification & activation of [chiyakura] | home | Dust allergy lapse name: mail:

    • It continues many degrees to struggle at the bottom of the night
      En japones , linked pages are Japanese

    • Three day
      Opening, you question with the [me], it is! This year one year we ask may! Nevertheless, after going home, Hiroshima [maji] which spare time it passes there are no times when you do… The thing shortage which you do passing, dvd borrowing, you see and it is light at the nearby rental house the sound section! Because it was, as for the dramatic sketch which it tries borrowing well…Being able to make good, but better seed art and science meeting level don't you think? you say, or [eropato] the dramatic sketch is completely another… Whether how you screw in to the story although it was the pleasure, as for the child of the fairway part where the child of 唯 part is good practically when the French top face having done, being similar to the fairway extremely, however the [te] you thought lovely, doing, the face at the time of the [ru] the worst well after all is the fairway don't you think? as for the child of 唯 part being opposite, however you thought that with the dramatic sketch part it is delicate, doing, at the time of the [ru] as for the lesbianism part of normally lovely law and pongee it is not seen ......We has done what from New Year's Day, is now when is can obtain, seeing dvd of to heart which is carried back it increases -, being nostalgic, in [honma] which [maji] may cry animation and…When you see with the large-sized amplifier of 46 type aquos&bd prayer + Yamaha of the parents' home and don't you think? it is extraordinary, but the [a] [a] -, without fail the excessiveness, the bd box heart we want coming out…The tomorrow which temporarily will look at 3rd story whether today you have been troubled hdd it probably will go to buying, but well,…Because the [u] - it is, the gift where tomorrow last flight returns perhaps, it is 89 liquidambar manju in ten to Tokyo which how will be done, don't you think? please do not expect

    • Re-broadcast
      [buroguneta]: Quanto para ao drama que é re-broadcasting querido? Ao participar você não pensa? huh com - ao ~ do ~ do coração [gachibaka] que gostaria de morrer amar! O amor que você pode rir se nós não gostaríamos de fazer, o esgoto estamos saindo profundamente, [ru] faz o ~ que ao ~ do coração gostaria de morrer amar e profundamente o esgoto é “amor é poder”, que “nós gostaríamos de morrer amar,” derrete, você não pensa? é e o encantador favorito é [tsu] [gachibaka]! [Miliampère] [tsu] faz, - tem [a] Inoue saído Tsutomu grossa com a parte a transferir, [miliampère] [tsu] faz, - Inoue Tsutomu o ø estudo do favorito e do ♪ funcionado [mim] [tsu] [qui] [ya] combina grossa com a peça que é feita e!! O amor que você pode rir não gostaria de fazer é enorme, é bom, você não pensa? - você transfere e você não pensa? 2 histórias o último lugar favorito todos os tbs e - [miliampère] [tsu] você faz, - ele aparece no drama que é feito com tbs bem, você não pensa? - com algo e [ro]?

    • [hu] ゙ [roku] ゙ news item: The tune which we would like to hear at the time of the rain
      [buroguneta] : Pendant l'air participant que nous voudrions entendre à l'heure de la pluie vous écrivez comme esclave

    • [Under sound 樂 載] Working!! Wandering paste 餐 廳 sound 樂 專 輯 series (in place reason)
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon linked pages are Japanese

    • i tunes hip hop ranking 26 rank! Surprise
      Comment promptement avec des itunes [darushitsuto] - [reido] arrière [atomosuhuia] - /omnibus ¥2,400 amazon.co.jp enregistrant « le bykenshu de miharu de l'opa feat.aliya de zu » comment ! ! ! ! ! Il entre vers le bas bien dans lui saute au temps 26 différentiel luxuriant et/ou fait mais… très, il est délicieux, est, pour être rapide tellement avec la réaction [le RU] et le résumé d'article d'URL d'article [peta] que chacun appui de suite de jambe de raie de demande de revue de Sawayama peut est | vente cd ! che… la variété de profil de P.R. ainsi = nouveau swfobject (aexternal, 150 et 150.9, #fffff) qui devient le lecteur de ceci [burogu] (contrôle) ; so.addparam (wmode et opaque) ; so.addparam (film, so.addparam (allowscriptaccess et toujours) ; so.addparam (allownetworking et tous) ; so.addvariable (amebaid et yvonneoneday) ; so.write (pigg) ; - > [amebapigu] [vous regard à la salle|Vous regardez [u]] le surnom : sexe de miharu d'aliya : Anniversaire de femme : Type heure environ de 1982 le 26 mars 18 de sang : type ville natale d'o : Introduction moyenne d'individu de la forêt autrichienne : [De l'premier album à yunibasaruasutaentateimento] 'intime… Le bureau de poste [regardant le résumé,] [amebaburogu] de l'aliya de marque de livre de recherche à l'intérieur du lecteur l'humain plusieurs 77 [regardant le résumé,] [burogu] où l'information du renouvellement de ceci [burogu] du lecteur de ceci [burogu] qui envoie le présent qui devient [amenba] qui envoie le message qui voit la suite [compilation de compilation d'article] atteint le miharu

    • Fragrance of spring
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , please visit the following link

    • Summer is, it is the figure, day of underpants! - The first volume -
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      Sem mostrar o índice da roupa, muda a roupa… porque eu época dos estudantes da elevação júnior e da High School, ele era todos acontecimento orgulhoso pensar, quando você tenta tentar após uma estadia longa, a habilidade, parar impossível anymore a I, [ru] (ninguém é visto [ko] da mulher, porém é bom separada, você não pensa?) [hukuyoshi] do uniforme da placa 317-12¥2,000 da nomenclatura do quarto *:. ゚ do o○☆: . *:. o○☆*:. ゚ do o○☆: . *:. o○☆*:. ゚ do o○☆: . *:. Ocasionalmente aparece com desenhos animados do o○☆, um pouco do que quanto para à mudança que da menina, simplesmente a produção… com sonho [otoko] de se transformar o nu da pata, realmente ele não é, é, - (a desilusão a pessoa que foi feita, quanto para ao deplorável era) a maioria de mulher “após ter dispersado o corpo superior, de que desgasta a roupa da mudança quanto para ao seguinte, o corpo da metade inferior…” com você diz, você sente e conseqüentemente ao amor xrated de heart2 Komaki é o bom ver da mudança. (1/6 de frio da escala moldou produto acabados da extremidade da pintura) ¥12,430 amazon.co.jp *:. ゚ do o○☆: . *:. o○☆*:. ゚ do o○☆: . *:. o○☆*:. ゚ do o○☆: . *:. Mesmo com o grande bathhouse o mesmo sexo tal como o estudo do o○☆ que viaja e que aloja junto… que para mim em mostrar o corpo com público, segredo (a mola quente ou o bathhouse, na maior parte pessoa que nós gostamos, faz, que é apenas um pequeno [nigate] mesmo agora quando tiver a resistência, [yo]? Se) o bathhouse heritage/it termina para pedir o bathhouse da paciência ¥6,090 amazon.co.jp de Machida, porque é bom, quando os bons céus (o ¯▽+¯*) (com ele é uma pessoa, é solitário e [i] -)

    • Japanese Letter
      Essa opiniao , linked pages are Japanese

    • original letters
      Heute w, das die psp Ausgabe von [amadokoa] 3 mit visco vor kurzem das ocarina zu der Zeit 64 kauft und die Schablone von [mujiyura] ist mit psp wurde nicht gebildet, um noch einmal zu beginnen überhaupt gespielt hat, war es Sorge, ob mit psp wird angebracht ist, ist es, aber es begann sicher - die psp Ausgabenbiene [yo] zum, mit der Abbildung zu sein verwirrt, ist, aber irgendwie, ohne getrunken zu werden, tuend ausgerichtet, hat die Wahrheit, die erhöht es, war nebenan der Zeitplan, in dem auch die Kampforchesterkäufe, es ist, aber „, was [seien Sie], die Person anbetrifft, die stoppt, ist gut“, wird das zum Freund ist mit kaufte nicht in der anwesenden Schule mit dem Monatsändern, die Unkosten gesagt, die plötzlich erhöht werden, so viel, wie… Zeitschrift buyingThe g-s [tsu] [Chi] [ya] [tsu,] ist es,…, auf dem Innere der Mappe jetzt zu tun einträgt nur 42.000 Yen… der tatsächliche Geschäftsleiter, unter Verwendung des Byteerzeugung, das mit besonderer Sorgfalt kostspielig aufprallt, [ich] es ist, - es ist und was zu heart2 anbetrifft die Aufwartung der Klärung des Onkels ist [ze]… whichCan Ende schnell, [O]!

    • Japanese talking
      An das Drama, zum Herzen erinnernd, erhöht es, vermutlich sein? Es floß hier, die Melodie, „Leben“ die Gelegenheit, die vor kurzem, das Ohr angehäuft oben, aber nach so lang einer Zeit, versuchtes Kaufen gebildet! Nicht denken Sie? übernatürliche/des'ree¥932 amazon.co.jp Ozeanmühelosigkeit ist manchmal gut! Brunnen was das Leben anbetrifft, während das männliche wirklich während des Samstag-Morgens abgeschlossen, Reinigungswaschen, 1 Melodien, die wir hören möchten, halbes letztes Tagesgefühl, das wir morgen gut festziehen möchten

    • Japanese Letter
      日語句子 , linked pages are Japanese

    • Japanese Letter
      大量的日本當前主題 , linked pages are Japanese

    • Japanese weblog
      The present [i] (the ' Ω `) Spain, you said to decision, however the [o] [o] it is and that score van van of the [tsu] it has decided the hat trick of the [kuroze] player it was it remembers also [tsu] 2002 held down Germany to 0 points the empty, we feared,…It is enormous, the [i] the [tsu] victory deciding this way, ipod of the case [ke] [pi] of the [tsu] Spanish title which it does desired and in other words kpod (blast) [wa] summer the [u] it is there to be a play list summer of [ma] [pu] [ke] [pi] individual point of view the [u] it is the blue bird Ohashi table of the burn ayu 弥 sky southern and to heart and the like of distant thunder kinki of end do of Naotarou's fruit Moriyama of the midsummer of exile summer as infinity kids paste paste type and soft system are mix etc etc the good handle where it will be, there is also the [i] feeling being, if to do summer of [yo] [tsu] everyone the [u] it is with you say, if is, or [tsu] something isWe would like to increase to the play list - the [tsu] [te] [ho] it is, from this the stage to see, the [ma] - the [tsu] [ho] which is done the [ke] [pi] (the ' Ω `)

    • weblog title

    • Japanese weblog
      impressions , for multilingual communication

    • Fantastic notion
      Começou! “Diário do Italy que é desobstruído - [ji] [e] que é a mudança 3season! Vindo [yu] o is*” [ji] [e] que é tempo! O ilhó lateral do primeiro comentário >> [banapi] para disparar em demasiado é! Mas era engraçado, é! pensamento [do hayate]!! Além disso quanto para a este diário como se é [animehayate]! Ao ver, quando você lê de, você pode obter a impressão da aparência! [hatsuhatsuha]!! Quando você o abandono, m (_ do _ que é extremidade do competiam) o chocolate da ave jovem de m é enorme, é, (o °□°;)A ave jovem que seu tipo [miki] é w insensato como se o lírio ele é o lírio ele é ele é a ave jovem duvidosa w de condução imprudente de w do wspw da pessoa de w do chocolate all-night de w da prateleira [hayate] [hamusutahayate]! Para não ser errado! Pacote do chocolate do potenciômetro do ferro da terra arrendada [tsu]! Comendo o pode suportar, você não pensa? é, o wcm a extremidade w do wcm que entra recebe por favor (nenhum △t) a ave jovem [ji] [e] que é inútil inútil (nenhum △t) a ave jovem a carpa é irritadamente, (o °□°;)Deus. Re-appearance! Não é hesitar (o °□°;)Embora deva ter morrido, - (nenhum △t) [u] [u] [tsu] -! Isso? Tal experiência do meu [tsu] [te] ou… cinza (nenhum △t) Mary… W que você emite esse que morre a vista [qui] [ya] onde [mashi] w [hayate] é ele era! Vendo [qui] [ya] era! Não é! Não é toda para a direita e é Mary que a prateleira lamentável w simples ele não é e quando [seja] faz, o vestido… Houou w do avental de w do martelo de WWW da cisne é absurdo, (o °□°;)[MU] [MU] o (≧∀≦) o por o senhor mesmo (°□°;)Mary escapou! [pi] [yu] [hayate]… Sprouting o sprouts e - vem e o is* [do yu] [tsu] [te]! Como para a volta do Italy que é desobstruído [a] [a] [a] [a] [a] [a] [a] [a] [a] que como é feito (o °□°;)A próxima vez! “coração toheart ao coração”… é! Em todos extremidade do prazer (riso)! Sprouting a sprouts e - vem e o is* [do yu

    • original letters
      日本語 , Japanese talking

    • Japanese talking
      The karaoke the [urutoraman] mask rider super 1 high-speed squadron turbo ranger un pan men lightning squadron [chienjimanshikuretsutokakurenjiya] fight freely exceedingly! When the [u] of polymer animation store manager love it is the downtown heart coming [yu] [ru] [ru] which is good being able to encounter it is with kiss theme of jumbo ♪♪ heart to heart super animal squadron live mantle rider g7 [toritsupa] of the country which is not recognized happiness there is no [bu] it is being taken in the sketch switch transformer v oh [ke], the [u] cartridge [tsu] lives - the [re] ↓ spectacle tiger mask [a] did val D male persevering [ojiyamaman] large squadron goggle � creation saintly [akueriondanbain] the inferno [se] cord which it flies, cd which [guradeishiyon] just you buy and buying is not heard still ten is several, unless it props up gradually

    • We wife (animation) Ver.1
      Opinion , linked pages are Japanese

    • [kotobukiya] mail order luck box 2010 ([kotobukiya] beauty girl figure) 10,000 Yen
      issue , original meaning

    • Faust Faust MARGARET'S ROOM
      xv Margaret der RAUM Margaret (am Spinnenrad und allein) mein Frieden wird gegangen und mein Herz ist wund: ich nie finde es, ah und nevermore! außer habe mir ihn nahe. das Grab ist hier; die Welt ist Abschürfung und Bitterkeit alle. mein armer schwacher Kopf wird stark beansprucht und verrückt gemacht; mein Gedanke ist verloren, meine mazed Richtungen. mein Frieden wird gegangen und mein Herz ist wund: ich nie finde es, ah und nevermore! zu ihn, ihn an der Scheibe nur und sehen, die ich sitze; zu ihn, ihn und das Haus nur treffen, die ich verließ. seine hoch Gangart, seine edle Größe, das Lächeln seines Munds, die ENERGIE seiner Augen und der magische Fluss seines Gespräches, das Glück im Haken seiner Hand und ah! seins küssen! mein Frieden wird gegangen und mein Herz ist wund: ich nie finde es, ah und nevermore! mein Busen sehnt sich nach ihm alleine; ah, wagte mich umklammern ihn und halten und besitzen! und küssen Sie seinen Mund, zum Wunsch des Herzens und AUF seinen Küssen laufen Sie schließlich ab!

    • WORKING!! Cast & subject song information
      4月开始动画“工作!! ”塑象增加了,附属的歌曲信息也被废止了! <熔铸>演奏它是厚实的学派的小鸟: 福山6月亲切的海岛[po] [pu]和其他: 恭维是清楚的Kana意大利波浪[ma] [喂] [ru] : Fujita咲轟Yachiyo : 英国梨白色藤条Kiyouko Kitamura : Kumiko 6月佐藤渡边: Ono Daisuke身体Hiroshi保留: 演奏Kazue Hiroshi Kamiya的历史小鸟: Shiraishi Riyouko小鸟。 春天: Hikasa氢核小鸟。 树梢: 演奏牧羊人的钱包的Itoh安静的小鸟: Saito Momoko其他事<附属的歌曲>打开的题材“别人”歌曲: 亲切的海岛[po] [pu]和其他(cv : 恭维是清楚的Kana),意大利波浪[ma] [喂] [ru] (cv : Fujita咲),轟Yachiyo (cv : Kitamura英国梨) “去心脏大概将被质询对结尾题材心脏边缘”的边缘歌曲: 演奏学派的小鸟它是厚实的(cv : 6月福山), cv 6月佐藤(: Daisuke Ono)身体Hiroshi保留(cv : Kamiya Hiroshi历史)

    • [gu] [gu] [re], refuse!
      [buroguneta] : [guguru]小组? [yahu]小组? 当参与您大概将写与片假名时,但是您在平假名大概将写,但是,如果作为为是的脏话肮脏的,标题事听见是否请忘记[guguru]或[yahu],甚而在[guguru]的儿子“[顾] [顾] [tsu]鳕鱼?”所以[tsu] [te],自由的男性使用[yahu]甚而与说的程度[guguru],但是至于为路线,并且调动查寻[侧杆burogupatsu] ‘使用的心脏[yahu]对心脏’ (查寻募捐), EC Nabi网查寻‘雅虎,由于您也使用从查寻的查寻’在那,在使用成为[yahu]甚而与是的查寻kana多数频繁乐观信息寻找 偶尔地它何时击中, 5点(=5日元)与可以被接受仅的乐观,但是不可能也使用您预留书它现在购物,并且,有乐观的旅馆,因为的点是否是和儿子[guguru]小组里面那里没有末端,因为,似乎密集的框架,那里是没有末端,因此至于为[guguru] [tsu] [te]地方是否是它是否是,过分地肮脏的标题,以下文章,即刻地对表示怀疑它的p做的什么,您不认为? 并且其他- [tsu] [po]它是,混和的表示, [ru] [wa] ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ [pochitsu]和[burogu

    • Japanese weblog
      Essa opiniao , Feel free to link

    • Japanese Letter
      I innen vor kurzem trinkend gibt es Melodie a-[ru], zuerst wenn der Seoul r&b Sänger von [kore] ↓↓↓↓↓des'ree - Leben Englischabsolvent, Drama „zu Hideaki und Fukada Kiyouko, welches das Leben Takizawa von des'ree heart~ die Hauptrolle spielt, das Sie nach dieser Melodie sich erkundigen, die der Durchschlag ist, der Öffnungsthema des ~, das zu lieben sterben möchte“, die Stärke ist, die herauskommt und, es tut, einwickelt gleichwohl „es Gefühl gibt, also hoch“ und „Sie erhielt, usw. in der das Repräsentativarbeit von ~des'ree zu sein“, jedes, ist gut und, die berühmte Persönlichkeit des [kochira] ↓↓↓↓↓diana Ross - wenn wir halten Sie AUF togather Schwarz-Musikgrenze, wenn wir AUF togather dieses Diana-Verlust Junichi Miki von Imai und von IshidaUntil halten, es ändert zum Drama „Gedächtnis des die Hauptrolle spielenden Matsushita Grundbaums,“ ist es vermutlich, was, das vorbehaltliches Lied ist, das Gefühl, das hereinkommt [sutsu] und das Ohr es gute Melodie nicht Sie denken ist? das ~ youtube, das es festes weg gelangen an den Bildsitz sein kann, in dem die japanische Leistung ungewöhnlich ist, ist Melodie vor 10 Jahren über dem Publikum der Diana-Verlust [tsu] [te,], das die Sie gesungen haben, Sie singen jedem cm-Lied von Nescafe „[ekusera]“ der Siebziger keine, das wie, neu zu sein ist, aber es ist die Melodie, die innen trinkt

    • weblog title
      issue , original meaning

    • Cold pool ☆ ☆
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon for multilingual communication

    • In music
      Как для деятельности вокального блока «сердца к сердцу» потому что 2 люд кто теперь идут положить в постель делают девятый большой хор 14-ого февраля вы сон с классикой которая они интенсивнейши, как сделает учителя который нет в февраль для проходить официальное утверждение которому 3 зрачка получают kana централизации…? Деятельность…, котор нужно заткнуть, пока практика идет положить в постель, когда заранее, huh что наши песни темы которые спрошены правильно высоко сделаны правым мозгом [piku] [tsu] и реакцией как раз,… каждый раз они смотрят на к роялю потому что не режущ никакую нотацию штата где мелодия изменяла… первоначально оно такой музыкант как для примечания сторона кольца обратная без использования, истиратель чточто было написано с карандашем оно уменьшает, оно уменьшает, (- -;)Вы спели в согласии 20th годовщин 2008, когда «doyourbest» некоторые дни тому назад собирая на доме друга, пропуская после долгого времени, супер оно было застенчиво, «оно возвращаете к mater alma янки», оно препятствуете подаче к дню выпускной церемонии средней школы Hokusei Yoichi, так… мати которые сделаны в выпускной церемонии заплакали показано с этой песней и… как раз немногая было вашим восхитительный рассказом

    • あれま
      ¿Cuándo la tienda del juego va, generación de Satoshi después de, la colina que los tintes a heart2 y al carmesí se venden con el psp en [wa] el alguno [mA]…? ¿Usted no piensa? ¡también [ritobasu] ha salido de ps2 es! ¿Porque con en cuanto a la noción que donde usted dice si el capital [ani] produce anuncia de la animación de la televisión alrededor de este año usted no piensa? ¡nos [ritobasu] él no hacen, muy este año [wa] que quisiera ser popular - a propósito animación del actual término [deyurarara]!! Grabando el ×☆☆☆ preescolar del bosquejo de la bola del plisado redondo, aumenta

    • 昼寝中の夢
      Essa opiniao , Japanese talking

    • 勇者なら始めろ!!!
      Comentarios sobre este , original meaning

    • そういや、やってないバトンがあったね。

    • △ばとん再び。
      日本語 , original meaning

    • ToHeart2 ad
      It may forget the character setting of the hawk cell it becomes, because (greeting) 2nd feature person 3rd of ova where “to heart2 ad” was broadcast it seems that feature is sold with at-x, including also the circumstance of the adult of around there side, calling ad which probably is thing, [kiyara] of [anazadeizu] type appearing even in op, it increased, but [iriyujiyon] that is shown the yo dynamic oral [ya] [ru] does not appear completely in main part, when we would like to look at the [tsu] [chi] with, the mouth ripping, you do not say, it is! In all the 2 stories, are 1 stories the story which fumbles the hawk cell which with the iron claw of the [tama] older sister has become amnesia with everyone nevertheless the amnesia [te] mind assassin with the iron claw? When again (just one which is understood to be recognized) the [tama] older sister is splendid and with the [tama] older sister, fearfulness and kindliness and [ero] sees the [tama] which is the perfect superhuman who had become simultaneous older sister, [yatsutaman] 2 what [tsutsutsu] which is equal to child theatre/playing! With, intense Kaiou in my heart 吼 wicked [tsutsu] which is obtained! As for 2 story eyes year's first visit to the shrine never Yuma the leading part “you think that it won with this, is, although it is one point relief [kiyara] of the ~” just, the grass wall it probably is relief of [kiyara] which the spotlight does not hit to the person and simultaneous? In other [kiyara] to be eaten as for being tend although it is the charm leading part, this which is not conspicuous also shank 1,2 story the position it is with Yuma and solves [kiyara] of [anazadeizu], the flower pear takes with main part [kiyara] unless - almost there is a turn of the child you think that it is too harsh, although… [kiyara] of radio wave type is to be that treatment is difficult, or, the flower pear it is lovely,… 3rd you will expect to feature and probably will solve however you think however) there is also a ova [tsu] lever, that (it is unreasonable, also tempo being good, whether this which could be enjoyed the view [chi] [ya] it is uninformed, why the television series becomes such a thing it does not have to be strange, with [anazadeizumein] and the televisionThe oak and others which does not make the series? If or (viewing age restriction you apply with “xrated”, [otsuke])

    • みんな嫁共通だよ、…晶さんからバトン
      Opinion , please visit the following link

    • KinKi you DVDリリースTOP☆☆☆
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , linked pages are Japanese

    • 漫画のバトンですよー
      日本語 , linked pages are Japanese

    • 090909
      Это мнение , original meaning

    • サイン
      Это мнение , for multilingual communication

    • 俺の嫁たくさん、夢もたくさん
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , linked pages are Japanese

    • ハヤテのごとく!! 2nd 第23話 「僕達の行方」 (アニメ感想)
      Avaliacao de desempenho, e sintese , please visit the following link

    • グヘへへヘ…(おいww
      The lightning [jizumagajin] July edition & the straw raincoat phosphorus live photo book which are abandoned the thing list ~ which this month is bought * with in ○ case where you buy absolutely * every day & [konpuesu] & to heart2 colofulnote○ kana www of student council buy it is excessively ww

    • プリキュアシリーズ
      Em japones , Japanese talking

    • 2009/08/15 Take Off7
      kanji , for multilingual communication

    • 長い旅
      Two degrees in the relation which does not give you to we which is not said we song until side by side heart to heart which will bet life it dies, being covered in the [ze] dust which is long traveling, the God and the like which is wanted supporting in side by side heart to heart you as for the road which you walk just the balance your pupil probably will turn off suffering far, it does not believe, but if love it is believed, until the [u] that hand where the [zu] [ku] your face spreads extremely hotly it does the [ze] which goes side by side heart to heart which the night opens directly it dies, [ze] Yazawa Eikichi which is long traveling “long traveling” the [tsu] it came and heard and increased* “It rises suddenly in the world” and while inquiring about the “long traveling” where, with the thread well the village is takes the book lastly and heavily don't you think?… “long traveling” this song lover and however (*^-^*) the favorite it sets and in love song the [chi] [ya] oral [ya] dark melody what don't you think? (laughing) that and is astringent, however it is, don't you think? with live 1986 God temporary and (the ´∀ `) “God and the like which is it does not believe, but don't you think? if love it is believed,” after the favorite “until it dies, the long traveling” [tsu] [te] [yu] - as for getting married, until it dies, the [tsu] [te] [yu] - meaning

    • SRCシナリオ感想
      belief , please visit the following link

    • 今日の一言・今日の一曲:2009年上半期

    • REMI/Lia
      After moira being sold, don't you think? the new work which is 9 month passing better cartridges is distant [a] [baito] we would like to do! The ~ ── which the ── which has desired ones too much desired cartoon [guridopaketsuto] XXINF strawberry better [ma] [ro] new [a] [zu] cartoon (still those which) are sung scatters and keeps desired game large God [gurasehu] (the person who perhaps the year before last is sold) [pokemon] new silver to heart2 (psp the) east crimson demon home village ── as for desired cd parallel worldwide me compass false model [sekusarisu] of sheep distant music honey white paper east month resounding/affecting song sound (is not 6000 Yen the [wa]… whichThe) adamant faith gold gold combining kane imitation Manet money 1 months (4 times) it goes to the English conversation of 15000 Yen please

    • 2ちゃんねるでやっていないと恥ずかしいエロゲ
      impressions , linked pages are Japanese

    • 朝のすがすがしい会話。
      O irmão mais novo e a conversação “o guarda-chuva [do eroge] -, [tsu] [po] que é restringido firmemente para ser”, “[faça] - [yu] -?” “Insulte o sistema?” “Você obtem e -, favorito o software de Alice…” “[ro] que está para fora?” “Algumas sobras, são!” “ao coração ou ao sistema romântico do amor?” “(゚д゚) [haa]? Pinta para ser, é” “(rindo)” “o punho, mesmo se é velho e!” “No primeiro lugar, informação do país estrangeiro está?” “Assim parece”, ele vende “no país estrangeiro? Ou ilegalidade dl? Presente?” “É a pessoa onde aquela é a tomada que é do [wa],” “ele é não está?” “Crime a combinação que não aumenta?” “Pensa é, você não pensa? o ~ bem, real quanto para ao segundo entretanto é diferente,” impedimento que é,” ““[eroge] uma vista pequena, se a pessoa quem você o insulta, conseqüentemente” “[a] -, confinamento está confinando, quando faz o escravo você não pensa? [assim] - [yu] - é”, “exatamente, lê ontem o trabalho de Oishi…” “é restringido uma vez igualmente tais se,” “!!! É incomodado!!!” ““É e [tsu] a” novela esta onda deve ter vindo ao mundo”, não há nenhum perigoso semântico algo onde os “desenhos animados ele combinam e” “[tsu] [te] diz, nem está igualmente seu gênero?” “[U] - é…” “a água [do suku]! Vinda [ya] [tsu]! Com dizer, no caso que [ru] não é, você não pensa?” “dizendo, ou se apenas o sistema do medidor do insulto da água [do suku] ou” “no futuro quanto para neste jogo quando for com respeito a todos os acordos com o kana da escrita da nota do [ru]?” “A mulher para dizer a verdade que a mulher apenas fêz para agitar jovens novos”, “[mim] [ru] tomando a medicina, [ho] que aumentos é com eles são 18 anos velho ou mais!” “É esta ocorrência com [o imekura]!” “Você não pensa? nota que você escreve e aumenta [e]” “[tsu] [te], [ro] que é normalmente o objeto regulamentar?” Falando o que da manhã, [ru] ele é quanto para a nós que são

      Essa opiniao , original meaning

    • カラになりたいのか、ならなければならないのか。
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , original japanese letters , translated

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