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    Naoe Kanetsugu ,

    Drama related words Taiga drama Tsumabuki Satoshi Atsuhime Yonezawa Heaven and earth and man Uesugi Kenshin Sanada Yukimura Tokugawa Ieyasu Oda Nobunaga Mitsunari Ishida Naoe Kanetsugu

    • Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • Name military officer 佐 bamboo justice declaration
      Date of Nanbara Mikio author “name military officer 佐 bamboo justice declaration” reading Ryo north, the young Warring States Daimyo 佐 bamboo justice declaration which plays Hojo and keen competition south will run to Hidekiti's Toyotomi Odawara attacking and will appear, that the origin of support of the Ishida three forming which bets future to Hidekiti, Ieyasu capability person Tokugawa who possesses the neighboring country will be cautious 挟 attacking to the justice declaration which moves up suddenly to the large Daimyo of Hitachi, will lead at the friendship looking frequently as for the justice declaration which very continuance of the Toyotomi administration which assures approach sees as peace of the 佐 bamboo, three forming, the government direct river of Uesugi scene victory andContinuation and you tie alliance approximately, but - it withstood on the Warring States lower 剋, Tokugawa 260 year survived, the demagnetization distinguished survivor strategic 佐 bamboo which even 戊 辰 war is attached to the only new government troop with northeast counter Tokugawa the batten, furthermore the Edo era survived to end

    • Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • Однако оно не красно, Akayu (1)
      Середина от сентябрь, с планом к которому весна перемещая, уже 5-ый вид детей присутствующая горячая члена всегда, широкий предлагать зрачка насекомого насекомого фосфора [gon] толщино [ruri] [ruri]/сопровождение представленное к каждому [ma] к фосфору фактической мати широкому насекомого [ruri] дня рождения в октябрь который делает к обычному широкому путешествию фосфора, с написала но потому что насекомое [ruri] реальности заработков non, furthermore это время [gon] толщино младший брат разделило в половины цену с крышкой [ri], (всегда 3 разделяя поровну, [gon] также количество насекомое [ruri] вы получка) [ho] оно с как раз ей пошли к горячей весне перемещая толщино в [hutsu] [katachi] она стала [tsu] как для [tsu] [tsu], с компенсацией успеха! (↑ [kore], говорить от времени ребенка, [ru]) как для перемещать в этот год с влиянием бедствия землетрясения горячей весны Yamagata Akayu младший брат в Yamagata, котор нужно стать изменением, потому что оно начала одно прожитие персоны, следующие обстоятельства дома перемещать совмещая также цель которая идет к видеть, furthermore широко фосфор там быть мемориальной службой с родителями Yamagata домой, [так

    • This year admission no charge* “The chrysanthemum doll ♪ of Nihonmatsu”
      Auch öffnend wurde gefürchtet, durch den Einfluss des Erdbebenunfalles also ist, aber Zeitraumverkürzung und Sein Aufnahme frei, wir, wo die „Nihonmatsu Chrysanthemepuppe“ nach Fukushima die Zeit, wenn sie besucht, die Anmerkung gehalten wird, die genau gehalten wird: Öffnungszeitraum bereits hat, „Nihonmatsu Jungen-Partei“ „Miyamoto Musashi (Regierungsstelle breites Osamu)“ „Yoshimune Tokugawa Regierungsstelle beendet die breite Osamu (Nisida Satoshi Linie)“ Nisida Satoshi Linie… [u], das es dort ist, Nr. mit etwas ist,… dieses Jahr eben es nicht produzierte, der Protagonist des aufeinander folgenden großen Flusses, der bis jetzt wurde verziert erscheint, „das Datum Masamune (Watanabe 謙)“ seiend ähnlich, ist es nicht die [ru] einfach Chrysanthemepuppe und sicher ahmt nach und bildend ist [II]! Weil (∀) „das Quellgerechtigkeit sutra (Hideaki Takizawa)“ u. „ruhiges Misaki (Ishihara mit zum zu sehen)“ auch 2 Leute das ~ am meisten es völlig ähnlich gewesen ist, waren diese 2 Leute und die Person, der zusammen es Fotographien gedenkt, viele, sind, privat, der direkte Fluss und die Fortsetzung des Jahres vor Letztem (hölzernes Satoru Tumao) und das Riyuuma Sakamoto des letzten Jahres (Eleganz Osamu Fukuyama) die Puppe und das simultan

    • Travelling ~ that①~
      当然观光那里是^^晚了做10/27~11/6新宿~移动的大阪和归乡,但是[burogu]…它接受我们有一阵子希望继续更新注重,首先离开前桥,…为了看被设色的秋叶和谷秀丽的膳食, “是确切Tsu峡”…多彩联接是美丽的风景区…遗憾您看见了的地方和对方式新宿时光被设色的秋叶,未找到得此的^^…起点到处,当(笑),并且它来吃午餐^^新宿,吃了“临时的过滤器[喂]”是和与它的~ 说它从简单的原因选择商店…的 大师为方式…的容器指令第1至于 第2它投入了容器和… 第3个容器…自由地是相当鲜美与棕色浸泡,是!! 我命令制造的大厦的Koshihikari小碗的4种类黄瓜腌汁在大水壶1被做,

    • Ueda power spot love 宕 mountain
      Hay un punto de la energía incluso en la ciudad de Ueda de la prefectura de Nagano, parece, porque… con la esposa dice, cuando usted piensa, del districto urbano de la ciudad de Ueda la autopista nacional 143 que son las caras a la aldea de Aoki allí son una placa de guía que es pequeña a la línea que es paralelo a, él son él pondrán probablemente hacia fuera,… usted no saben, una cierta cosa al pasar por la vecindad con el trabajo, el aire fue atado, así pues, “él son probablemente lo que?” Con la materia que se convierte de la preocupación, en cuanto al lugar lastimó así pues, en la benevolencia Furuta Ueda de la ciudad es “la montaña del 宕 del amor” que usted ve en el mapa detallado, si “la montaña del 宕 del amor”… usted dice tan, también la montaña próxima cuál ha vivido en la ciudad de Yonezawa era la montaña del 宕 del amor (llamada “[nadera]” pero), él tiene la mosca cuál imita “el amor” “de la realidad de la derecha del 宕 del amor”, “el río directo y usted recuerda el público de la continuación”, así que usted lo dice, el próximo mes, parece que la conferencia de la elegancia de la colina del fuego es ciudad de Ueda, pero ya le aplicado y terminaron y con, era una cierta historia,… tan así pues, amor a la benevolencia FurutaThere es una montaña que se convierte en la montaña del 宕 con cómo usted no sabía, en el mapa a examinar, %

    • “Heroines in Kobe which in Junichi direction Kyoto city symphony orchestra on wide is drawn”
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • Chinese medicine consultation baton relay… from teacherYou walk the Hase hall castle mark of the cluster-amaryllis, a liberal translation
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • One flying, the B class gourmet of next door prefecture, a liberal translation
      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • Think in day of culture, a liberal translation
      In addition the half moon and the axis of earth and the country the tilt [bu] [ke] [ri] (拙 phrase) as for November 3rd “day of culture” as for this day which is it was known, as “unique day of clearing up” from the time before because statistically as for this day you say that the day when it clears up is many day of culture of sushi oak this year, as for this area as for the cold which the place here where it is one day which becomes cloudy gloomily continues simply it is softened, in the town of afternoon it has in the pleasure where the form of the children and the family accompanying is conspicuous and is dense in day harmony, day of culture which probably is holiday resort of every place to show the crowd common usageAs for the receiving Isao person of this year when parent giving ceremony of the order of cultural merits is done at the Imperial Palace palace Marutani ability one of the writer and others after decoration conferring which is 5 people, Marutani of 86 years old and maximum age representing, in His Majesty the Emperor, “with the respective work %, a liberal translation

    • May be linked to more detailed information..
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
      After the foppery with famous [doitsu]人[karubenkusu] with spring [vuiretsuji] old private house playback building today there is a wedding very and the rental cutting, the inside sees and the lawn which has the fishing moat of [iwana] and the rainbow trout does to outside it is regrettable there is no [re] and, it is promenade, to the hot water with respect to foot hot water 'six' in the road paralleling funny thing discovery! There is an image of the Warring States general before the bank and the post office of the sort, by the way, this one 'Ishida three forming' In other things, direct river and continuation, Kensin Uesugi and Sanada happiness village etc… As for fairly well large essential foot hot water, this As for the preceding visitor, the small school which rode in the bicycle the boy of grade two being very hot low, as for the long hot water by which it is not possible. mura

    Naoe Kanetsugu , Drama,

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