- Direct river and continuation kitty 2, a liberal translation
http://gotouchi-kitty.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/07/post-5fc6-1.html Nevertheless true [tsu] white the helmet [tsu] [te]… Gundam like?? Não obstante rectifique o branco [do tsu] o capacete [tsu] [o te]… Gundam gosta??
- [otsuchiyahoi
http://ameblo.jp/kt2o/entry-10240639382.html After that, searching senior's house, you are confused, a liberal translation Após o esse, procurarando a casa do sénior, você é confuso
- weblog title
http://jiroramos.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/04/post-001e.html Pertaining to that, when you have searched, because there were also such a ones, introduction Pertencendo a isso, quando você procurarar, porque havia igualmente tais, introdução
- 土曜は童謡かえうたどうよ?今日ははちゃめちゃ祭り1曲目
http://pzmgwir1vo.seesaa.net/article/138435227.html Nevertheless, the [u] exhausting -, a liberal translation Não obstante, [u] a exaustão -
- 兜に愛
http://denari.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/04/post-a33c.html Nevertheless in the age of civil wars love how in the helmet… Não obstante na idade de guerras civis ame como no capacete…
Naoe Kanetsugu , Drama,