- Foppery tea bag of pyramid type
http://tibimaru.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-02-25-1 U you who lend of the seat of next door the book well at the company the joke drank the black tea of the tea bag of the package, a liberal translation U você que empresta do assento do ao lado o livro bem na companhia o gracejo bebeu o chá preto do saco de chá do pacote
- Black tea ♪
http://ameblo.jp/kirakiralife-nostress/entry-11093212528.html About while working we would like to drink the luxurious black tea! With thinking, because (laughing) that and is tasty, [gokugoku] you drink, a liberal translation Sobre ao trabalhar nós gostaríamos de beber o chá preto luxuoso! Com pensamento, porque (rindo) isso e é saboroso, [gokugoku] de você bebe
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/ccff6699/entry-10452287925.html The black tea which is also the effect which warms the body O chá preto que é igualmente o efeito que aquece o corpo
Earl Grey, Food And Drinks ,