- It is the God hiding, a liberal translation
http://chanpun.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/post-91b2.html “It is rough, the jam oak and others? ♡… Ra oil??!! Although (゚ [ro] ゚)” the [tsu] [te] the production which is said eye theory it was,… « Il est rugueux, le chêne de confiture et d'autres ? ♡… Huile de Ra ? ? ! ! Bien que (゚ de ゚ [RO]) » [tsu] [te] la production qui est théorie dite d'oeil c'était,…
- New work!? Black tea chocolate, completion ♪
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/rozepi/diary/201104200000/ “The cartridge, the many use [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te]” you obtain!? « La cartouche, les nombreux emploient [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] » obtenez-vous ! ?
- [rupishia] [guranmarushie] 2010→ oldest dinosaur spreading/displaying -> the [bu] how the cottage.
http://nagaotomomi.cocolog-nifty.com/baru/2010/10/post-7efb.html “Properly 噛 it is with the [ru]?” Also, a liberal translation « Correctement 噛 il est avec [le RU] ? » En outre
- My Bluebird
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/since2005my_secret_garden/e/f75a9e101856aa8c54fa0d9178e1f6cb “Attaching the head - to the [tsu] and the earth, [emimizu] it is it is to become saying, it is saying, the [a] it is!”[tsu] [te], queen [aaaa]! ! « Attachant la tête - la [tsu] et à terre, [emimizu] c'est lui est de devenir disant, il est dire, [a] il est ! » [tsu] [te], reine [aaaa] ! !
Earl Grey, Food And Drinks ,