- Aftershock is continued
http://happy-kokoro.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-535f.html We have assumed that it is not the level where damage comes out of the trouble of the nuclear plant, at once healthily, but there was reporting that the bombing victim exceeded 10, Nós supor que não é o nível onde dano sai do problema do central nuclear, imediatamente saudàvel, mas relatava que a vítima do bombardeio excedeu 10,
- Northeast Kanto large earthquake disaster, a liberal translation
http://karakuri-co-zipangu.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-03-13-1 Image of aftershock and the tidal wave and, and after that bodily sensation the Nagano earthquake which is done and, and furthermore to the nuclear plant Imagem da réplica e da onda maré e, e em seguida essa sensação corporal o terremoto de Nagano que é feito e, e além disso ao central nuclear
- Plan power failure after the northeast Kanto large earthquake disaster. . ., a liberal translation
http://zahlreich.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-d1b9.html At the point in time when the nuclear plant stops, it probably means that the person of some extent has estimated No ponto a tempo quando o central nuclear para, significa provavelmente que a pessoa de alguma extensão estimou
tohoku and Kanto Earthquake, Reportage,