- OurTeenDream
http://twitter.com/OurTeenDream @OurTeenDream @AnimeFan93 @Fifi_Uzumaki it's boring !! I miss you a LOTS !!!
- Spring animation end and summer animation check
http://blog.livedoor.jp/arajiru0721/archives/51861977.html Low coming [yu] - [bu]!
tvk: 7/2 (Saturday) 24:30 - tokyo mx: 7/5 (fire) 25:30 - Niedriges Kommen [yu] - [BU]!
tvk: 7/2 (Samstag-) 24:30 - Tokyo-MX: 7/5 (Feuer) 25:30 -
- [TV] 2011 summer animation new program check list, a liberal translation
http://football-freak.txt-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/tv-2011-affe.html Low coming [yu] - [bu]! at-x July 1st (gold) 23: Shelf tele east July 15th of 30 [dantarian] (gold) 25: 23 Niedriges Kommen [yu] - [BU]! an-x 1. Juli (Gold) 23: Regal Teleost15. Juli von 30 [dantarian] (Gold) 25:23
- Satellite animation quarterly 2011 summer
http://savage-night-plus.moe-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/2011-594c.html Low coming [yu] - [bu]! (at-x) , a liberal translation Niedriges Kommen [yu] - [BU]! (an-x)
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://gsa.air-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/20117-d10a.html Low coming [yu] - [bu]!
at-x 07/123: 30~, a liberal translation Niedriges Kommen [yu] - [BU]!
an-x 07/123: 30~
- 2011 natsu anime
http://wakkun.livedoor.biz/archives/51730351.html Put on the ring 1 worldwide conference compilation [animatsukusu] (day) 21: 004/3 - (2 cool eyes?)
“The far side /marina “of the combative spirit /marina to of op tomorrow” del ray ed rainbow” del ray Setzen Sie an die weltweite Konferenzkompilation des Ringes 1 [animatsukusu] (Tag,), 21:004 /3 - (2 kühle Augen?)
„Weite seitliche /marina „des kampflustigen Geists /marina zum OPmorgen“ Del ray Edregenbogen“ Del ray
Bibliotheca Mystica de Dantalian, Anime,