- Chocolate pan & salad winding
http://uzuhime.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/post-6cdf.html Chicken [momo] meat spring it was the rainy salad, a liberal translation Fleischfrühling des Huhns [momo] war es der regnerische Salat
- The [tsu] [ke] which in salad volume the soy sauce is applied?, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/ryonano/entry-10914743384.html A little because the inside was less crowded, salad volume was bought with [konbini Wenig, weil das Innere weniger gedrängt war, gekauft Salatvolumen mit [konbini
- It is cold, (_), a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/dokukinoko-hiyoko/entry-10842199212.html The salad winding and the like eating in the late boiled rice, your cod stomach it became greatly Die Salatwicklung und die dergleichen, die Ende des gekochten Reises, Ihr Kabeljaumagen wurde es essen, groß
- A ultima historia japonesa, mas a abundancia de problema primas
http://ameblo.jp/noriko91/entry-10790230150.html The mother don't you think? as for [a] the countryside winding of kingcraft and it is the salad of kingcraft to wind mother, it was paragraph amount of the [wa] 1 day lag where both is tasty Die Mutter nicht denken Sie? was [a] die Landschaftwicklung anbetrifft von kingcraft und von ihm ist der Salat des kingcraft, zum der Mutter, es zu wickeln war Punktmenge des [wa] 1 Tagessträflings, in dem beide geschmackvoll ist
Salad Roll, Cooking,