- The crane dragon advanced also today winning, directing to first victory and ozeki promotion, largely.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zuihou_ta/e/b726540c5195a1bb95d234873768f322 Bundle 瑠 capital opposed with the village of rare spirit Empacote o capital do 瑠 opor com a vila do espírito raro
- Because the white 鵬 is defeated, the crane dragon stood independently in the forefront of the victory dispute.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zuihou_ta/e/dec6ef72a6651d1bfa1f2dcfe35a5c27 Bundle 瑠 capital opposed with Hakuba Fuji Capital do 瑠 do pacote opor com Hakuba Fuji
- The white 鵬 today winning, protected 1 defeat/miss., a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zuihou_ta/e/41610c3a2125fe9e3953d5b761f058ed Bundle 瑠 capital opposed with the 栃 煌 mountain, a liberal translation Empacote o capital do 瑠 opor com a montanha do 栃煌
- The white 鵬 winning, with the crane dragon 1 defeat/miss were protected., a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zuihou_ta/e/7e04cbc536ab531b69cdb8fd69ff50c4 Bundle 瑠 capital opposed with the koto 奨 chrysanthemum Empacote o capital do 瑠 opor com o crisântemo do 奨 do koto
- The white 鵬 because the crane dragon is defeated, protected one person complete victory merely., a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zuihou_ta/e/7e16ecee07e793c5176b72c3429d5273 Bundle 瑠 capital the time opposed with the sky Empacote o capital que do 瑠 o tempo ops com o céu
- Crucial point
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tani_kazuya/e/7ebb87517d513cb2e7996de312c64646 Bundle 瑠 capital received the highest chance O capital do 瑠 do pacote recebeu a possibilidade a mais elevada
- Spring of the grand sumo tournament the place entered 3rd day.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zuihou_ta/e/ea5077bcd45fd0519c3f355e1142ff12 Bundle 瑠 capital opposed with the Myogi dragon Empacote o capital do 瑠 opor com o dragão de Myogi
- Spring of the grand sumo tournament the place started., a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zuihou_ta/e/bbebecddcfd124b790059716e986b03b Bundle 瑠 capital opposed with the 臥 fang circle Empacote o capital do 瑠 opor com o círculo do colmilho do 臥
- The white 鵬 won proper and piled up the star., a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zuihou_ta/e/a650832457c2a99121196f96ec12b373 Bundle 瑠 capital opposed with the crane dragon Empacote o capital do 瑠 opor com o dragão do guindaste
Gagamaru Masaru, Sport,