- The completion compilation living, the human no percent which is seen?!
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/cabbit2ynpyn/e/2b46f2248a8af5f8c340f154d6f68eec Because from it was the picture of the feeling which is different “heaven and earth person”, first strange feeling it was, but if it is accustomed, as softly the [te] calling feeling 由于从它是另外“天堂和地球人”感觉的图片,第一种奇怪的感觉它软软地是,但是,如果它是习惯的,作为[te]叫感觉
- uesugi jinja to hakubutsukan ��
http://dodoichi.cocolog-nifty.com/jinjin/2010/07/post-b8b7.html It offers the bloggerel of Japanese. 由于,虽然同样“天堂和地球人”记忆仍然是新的,它是,它是滑稽的,是
- “以诗”冬天为特色(2) - “忠诚的保留仓库”
http://reserve-seat.tea-nifty.com/kanoko/2010/11/2-41fc.html When with it is the script which love is included more “heaven and earth person”, “new selection group!”Sannan extent spared the be too quick death playing, the Uesugi scene tiger of the expectation which in a dignified manner, it did, “boss” movie “letter” was good and, it is the one of the actors who become matter of concern 当与它是爱包括更多“天堂和地球人”的剧本, “新的选择小组! ” Sannan程度饶恕了使用是太快的死亡,以尊严的方式,它期望的Uesugi场面老虎, “上司”电影“信件”是好,并且,它是成为关注的问题的那个演员
- original letters
Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/shokuro1974/entry-10490863223.html I from this station was in the immediately place, it was to observe the pavilion of “love heaven and earth human Hiroshi Minami Uonuma,” furthermore after observing the next day cloud cave hermitage and the Sakado castle etc, to direct to direct Gotsu with the [ho] [ku] [ho] [ku] line and to go on a journey, a liberal translation 此外我从这个驻地立刻在地方,它将观察“爱天堂亭子和在观察次日云彩洞偏僻寺院和Sakado城堡以后等,指挥接地人的Hiroshi Minami Uonuma”,指挥与的Gotsu [ho] [ku] [ho] [ku]线和继续旅途
- 米ボウ三日月 1
http://ameblo.jp/mutuko/entry-10438137910.html , a liberal translation Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
- 先日の当選。
http://kumaneko-an.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-12-02 Don't you think? Tumao wood the direct river and the continuation which are played have sent with “heaven and earth person” lines 您是否不认为? Tumao木头被演奏的直接河和继续送了与“天堂和地球人”线
- 「天地人」を巡る旅〜その2〜
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/risumaruyosi/e/ef1926592983622462dae9e00aca4773 With every place where it rises “heaven and earth person”, Uesugi, without forgetting the direct river even from this, please make important 它上升“天堂和地球人”的每个地方, Uesugi,没有忘记直接河甚而从此,请使重要
- 2011年大河ドラマは『江』
http://mina-fuji.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/2011-648f.html The last time of “heaven and earth person”, remarkable production was not seen and, a liberal translation “天堂和地球人的”上次,卓越的生产未看和
- 米沢での後悔・・・
http://ameblo.jp/shun149/entry-10370300436.html �� tenchi nin �� bu^mu de ima ha kankoukyaku ga afure teiru yonezawashi mo �� dorama houei ga shuuryou shitaato ima nonigiwai wo dou tsunage teikukaga kadai 现在“天堂和溢出,电视播送末端的观光者在戏曲以后也的地球人的”景气Yonezawa市,它怎么保持能连接当前人群,题目
Heaven and earth and man, Drama,