- Passing each other of feeling
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/millions-films24/e/a38b4bc31f0447a2f5401247cd17dd74 (I through did concerning that photograph), a liberal translation (I hizo a través referente a esa fotografía)
- Road of babble, a liberal translation
http://karentanman.at.webry.info/201102/article_14.html (In comparison with that, today coldly - it is truly! ) It walked the road of babble after a long time ¡(En comparación con eso, hoy frío - está verdad! ) Caminó el camino de la charla después de un rato largo
- [suitsu] concentration.
http://menuett.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-5.html (Playing, [tsu] temporary) (El jugar, [tsu] temporal)
- kurisuchan �� rifo^mu Before
http://nikkou.cocolog-nifty.com/nemurarenuyorunotameni/2011/01/before-after-e5.html (Chikuma series Maeda Satoshi work meaning), a liberal translation (Significado del trabajo de Maeda Satoshi de la serie de Chikuma)
New Yearu0026#39;s cards, japanese culture, Livelihood,