- Certainly the meaning you without being here there is meaning, it is with to do, [yo] 10 calling, the lobelia which does not reach
http://kaycr-1229.cocolog-nifty.com/205/2011/06/10-a8c2.html Temporarily as for tw such it is kana, a liberal translation 临时地至于为tw这样它是kana
- It should have called with green call, (the talisman demon teacher of blue or the groove of God [sekai] which is known)
http://blog.livedoor.jp/voler/archives/52809073.html Temporarily, the lath boss of this work saying, the blower marquis seems as for you understood 临时地,这个工作说法板条上司,吹风机候爵为您似乎至于了解
- In HALO spare time varieties funny ones in the midst of excavation
http://nodoka-pal2.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/halo-19ab.html The [ze] ww which the [tsu] [chi] it waited temporarily in everyone lover, a liberal translation 的[ze] ww [tsu] [凯爱]它在大家临时地等待了恋人
- Double video recording it is grateful and, a liberal translation
http://yuuyuu-life.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/post-5480.html Temporarily, in video recording busily it is large in admiration, (laughing), a liberal translation 临时地,在录影记录繁忙地它是大在倾慕, (笑)
- The talisman demon teacher of blue you saw!!, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/sorairosoul27/35399655.html Temporarily, phosphorus lovely is,/, a liberal translation 临时地,可爱的磷是,/
Blue Exorcist, Anime, Manga,