- It dries the lunch of the son, [bibinba] of the vegetable*
http://ameblo.jp/tomomi0308/entry-10714505286.html [bibinba] of the drying vegetable was made [bibinba] овоща засыхания сделал
- Your salmon fly laver lunch, a liberal translation
http://le-mizu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/01/post-8254.html The drying vegetable, when the vegetables are few and the like, is convenient, a liberal translation Овощ засыхания, когда овощи несколько и подобие, удобн
- You are absorbed to the drying vegetable, a liberal translation
http://firewoods.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-02-08 Drying the Japanese radish which rises retains, this way inserting in the sack, Сушить японскую редиску которая поднимает сохраняет, этот путь вводя в вкладыш,
- Don't you think? the rain it does not shake, -.
http://rieiroro.blog90.fc2.com/blog-entry-249.html Drying, just you attach to the soy sauce and the vinegar of the same quantity, a liberal translation Сушащ, как раз вы прикрепляетесь к соевому соусу и уксусу такого же количества
Dried vegetables, Cooking,