- The Nobel Prize and Okinawa secret agreement②
http://yuuki-ran.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/post-18f6.html In China trying to receive the fact that Liu takes the Nobel Prize with the television, the picture becomes deep-black Em China que tenta receber o fato de que Liu toma o prêmio de Nobel com a televisão, o retrato torna-se profundo-preto
- The pale coming thing water 如 it does the intersection of your child,
http://flourish.cocolog-nifty.com/psy_srm/2010/10/post-95b3.html China is the country whose real state is very unclear China é o país cujo o estado real é muito obscuro
- Think concerning China and Japan, Japan and America
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/gayuuan239/e/013a9f7057dd802c5420b59a971b5e28 Now, in China anti-Japanese demonstration with 尖 official building problem has become rough at every place Agora, em China a demonstração anti-Japanese com problema oficial do edifício do 尖 tornou-se áspera em cada lugar
One-party rule, Politics ,