0 .
○■ それでは、皆さん 明日も元気...
○■ このことが、一番 辛い... It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
○■ しかし、なかなか 利な物が増え...
○■ 機能性腹部膨満症 いう過敏性...
○■ These are talking of Ja panese blogoholic.
○■ 今日も、資格取得 強は、殆ど...
○■ さて、さて、こう て私も2...
○■ 過敏性腸症候群
○■ プルーンには嚥下 用(おなか... Because swallowing action (the inside becoming loose) it is in the prune, with my body 4 grains are designated as the limit, a liberal translation
○■ Because is, because the s acral nerve it is passing by above the gluteal area, striking the needle there, whether you probably will receive, that
○■ その為、漢方薬と 縁を切る事... Because of that, also the herb medicine became to cut the edge, a liberal translation
○■ It is to take in advance in inside, but in me whose it is many to be constipated in hypersensitiveness intestinal syndrome, or to have diarrhea, the difficult industry
○■ 僕は、漢方薬も服 しているの... I am to take also the herb medicine, but the Katsura branch adding 芍 medicine hot water which assumes that most there is an effect in hypersensitiveness intestinal syndrome, (the [ke] because only to be the plain gauze [ku] anther questions), my inside affinity was good, presently addition 逍 遙 scattering at the hot water in large building, the maneuvers which in are warmed are taken
Irritable bowel syndrome,