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- Night TYPE-MOON clearing of magical errand
http://adier.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/type-moon-9595.html Night first edition of magical errand (amazon.co.jp original benefit post card attaching) Nachterstausgabe des magischen Botengangs (amazon.co.jp-ursprüngliche Nutzenpostkartebefestigung)
- Book 痴 diary
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/s_taka/20120421 Night first edition of magical errand Nachterstausgabe des magischen Botengangs
- Night book-reading thought sentence of magical errand
http://tubasa-hiyo-blog.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/04/post-894c-1.html As for night of magical errand 奈 須 mushroom 14 years ago? Whether it was extent, with world view of the type-moon work it has been categorized to the first story with those which are written, contents of this game as for becoming shape as a book in the world 3 volumes? So the Takeuti 祟 having, only the [ru] 1 volume it exists, it seems Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Start of walking/“the [ma] [ho]” sale preceding day/the ice snack (is not found,)
http://someiyoshino.at.webry.info/201204/article_10.html Night first edition type of magical errand moon 2012-04-12 Amazon associate by Nachterstausgabeart des magischen Teilnehmers des Botengangmondes 2012-04-12 Amazonas vorbei
TYPE-MOON, Video Game,