- Japanese talking
http://micono.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/iphone-3gs-cb75.html When making ios4 gm from, iphone 3gs which is used with main, “because the session of iphone cannot be started,…”With the error message which is said being made, being troubled with the trouble that it cannot be made backup completely, it increases 当做ios4 gm从,使用与扼要时与是说的被做的错误信息的iphone 3gs, “因为iphone会议不可能开始,…”,麻烦与麻烦它不可能完全地被做备份,它增加
- weblog title
http://fujimori.cocolog-nifty.com/weblog/2010/06/ios-4.html iphone new os “ios4” update, even in Japan start - the update to for itmedia news iphone new os “ios 4”, started more and more from 22 days iphone新的os “ios4”更新,甚而在日本开始-对itmedia新闻iphone新的os的“ios 4”的更新,从22天越来越开始了
- iOS4
http://a2c-niti.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/ios4.html Because it reached the point where it can update os of iphone, it tried doing promptly 由于它到达了它可能更新iphone os的点,它设法及时地做
- iOS4
http://blog.livedoor.jp/ht_k9/archives/51039895.html It is the update edition of os whose one for iphone is new 它是一个iphone的是新的os的更新编辑
- The apple - iPhone - function of new iOS 4 software update is introduced.
http://dcteast.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/06/--iphone---ios-.html But iphone 4 for a while intention of the send-off, it is lucky to offer ios4 to 3 users, Aber iphone 4 für eine Weile Absicht senden-weg, ist es glücklich, ios4 3 Benutzern anzubieten,
- Japanese weblog
http://lindberg.cocolog-nifty.com/levin250/2010/06/ipad-iphone3g-i.html In the installation of ios4gm “itunes9.2β” becomes necessary, but because as for updating itunes of macbookpro which is used with main it judged, that just a little risk is high, it installed in mac mini which is moving imoten at the home 在ios4gm “itunes9.2β”的设施在移动在家imoten微型的橡皮防水布成为必要,但是,因为至于为更新使用与扼要macbookpro的itunes它判断了,一种小的风险高,它安装了
- The [tsu] which would like to insert iOS4 GM! But squeezing by way of N-04B, or the [tsu] which you can be patient!
http://lindberg.cocolog-nifty.com/levin250/2010/06/ios4-gm-n-04b-9.html iphone4 became announcement, goldenmaster for new iphone os and ios4 distribution started iphone4 wurde Ansage, goldenmaster für neues iphone OS und die begonnene Verteilung ios4
iOS4, Hardware, Software,