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    GM crops,

    Reportage related words Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Terminator ノルウェー Vietnam War

    • The entwinement the string which is attached… the bee
      ccd so far was doubted the agricultural chemical and the gene recombination crop etc as cause
      CCD bis jetzt wurde der landwirtschaftlichen Chemikalie und das Genrekombinationgetreide usw. als Ursache bezweifelt

    • Doesn't the gene recombination crop why need?
      The gene recombination crop is not cropped in Japan for the present
      日語句子 , original meaning

    • US Aid Groups Divided Over Biotechnology for Africa's Farmers
      Genetically modified crops cause disagreements among farmers and activists The change which pulls up the gene recombination crop. Between peasant and go-getter difference of opinion
      Genetisch geänderte Getreide verursachen Widersprüche unter Landwirten und Aktivisten Die Änderung, die das Genrekombinationgetreide hochzieht. Zwischen Landarbeiter und Go-gettermeinungsverschiedenheit

    • GMO: EU approves genetically-modified potato
      Interactive graphic ON transgenic crops as the European Commission approves the cultivation of genetically-modified potatoes and prompting an angry response from environmental groups and the Italian and Austrian governments. As for conversation, as for the European commission, way cultivation of the gene recombination potato is approved, in the gene recombination crop, the environmental group, Italy, the graphics which requests the response of anger from the Austrian government
      Wechselwirkende Grafik AUF transgenic Getreide als der Europäischen Kommission genehmigt die Bearbeitung genetisch-geänderte Kartoffeln und Aufforderung eine verärgerte Antwort von den Klimagruppen und von den italienischen und österreichischen Regierungen. Was Gespräch anbetrifft, was die Europäische Kommission anbetrifft, Weisenbearbeitung der Genrekombinationkartoffel ist anerkannt, im Genrekombinationgetreide, die Klimagruppe, Italien, die Grafiken, das die Antwort des Zornes von der österreichischen Regierung fordert

    • Are GM Crops Africa's Path to Food Security?
      More African countries are moving forward with biotech crops and although many have reservations about their long-term effects Other African countries although many concerning long-term influence you reserve, are advancing the gene recombination crop
      Afrikanischere Länder bewegen sich vorwärts mit Biotech-Getreide und obgleich viele Vorbehalte bezüglich ihrer langfristigen Effekte haben Andere afrikanische Länder, obgleich viele hinsichtlich des langfristigen Einflusses, den Sie aufheben, bringen das Genrekombinationgetreide voran

    • GM crops can benefit farmers | Janet Carpenter
      Despite India's moratorium ON GM aubergines, surveys point to most farmers enjoying increased yields and decreased costsUnlike the argument recently put forward by Daniel Church and three reports published this month have documented the benefits of GM crops around the world. A review of peer-reviewed surveys of farmers worldwide who are using the technology compared to farmers who continue to plant conventional crops, published last week in Nature Biotechnology and found that by and large farmers have benefited. Another report released last week by the National Research Council in the US concluded that many American farmers have achieved more cost-effective weed control and reduced losses from insect pests. And a survey of farmers in Brazil, which is a leader in global adoption of GM crops, shows benefits for soybean and cotton and corn growers. New technologies, such as Bt aubergine, promise additional gains to farmers if allowed for commercial release, despite the debate inspired by a recent moratorium in India.Last year, 14 million farmers in 25 countries grew GM crops commercially, over 90% of them small farmers in developing countries and according to ISAAA. I've been studying the impacts of GM crops for the past 12 years. Given the growth in adoption rates around the world and the increasing number of studies that have been done to assess the impact of the technology ON farmers and I was interested in looking at how the results of all these studies stacked up. In my review of global farmer surveys, results from 12 countries indicate that most surveyed farmers have increased yields and decreased costs and improved economic performance. The benefits were found to be greatest for the mostly small farmers in developing countries. The average yield improvements for developing countries The eggplant of GM, in spite even in the Indian moratorium, as for investigation enjoying to most farmers, yield increases argument points out the decrease to which costsUnlike recently the Daniel church, three reports submit stating the advantage of the gene recombination crop in the world where this month it is released,
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , please visit the following link

    • E.U. Clears Biotech Potato for Cultivation
      The European Commission began a new push to allow farmers in Europe to grow more biotech crops and despite persistent public opposition to the technology. As for the European commission, this technology lastingly even in the opposite direction of the citizen the new movement where the European peasants make the growth of the gene recombination crop possible in spite, started
      Die Europäische Kommission fing einen neuen Stoß an, um Landwirten in Europa, mehr Biotech-Getreide und trotz der hartnäckigen allgemeinen Opposition zu erlauben auf die Technologie zu wachsen. Was die Europäische Kommission anbetrifft, diese Technologie dauerhaft sogar in der entgegengesetzten Richtung des Bürgers die neue Bewegung, wo die europäischen Landarbeiter das Wachstum vom Genrekombinationgetreide in der Bosheit ermöglichen, begonnen

    • Europeans Seek to Ease Wide Ban ON Biotech Crops
      The European Commission's proposal expected ON Tuesday will suggest allowing local and national governments to decide whether genetically modified crops should be grown. Whether or not the proposition of the European commission, Tuesday government of area and the country, it is possible to decide the gene recombination crop, proposes it expects that it grows,
      Der Antrag der Europäischen Kommission, der am Dienstag erwartet wird, schlägt vor die lokalen und Nationalregierungen entscheiden zu dürfen, ob genetisch geänderte Getreide gewachsen werden sollten. Ob der Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission, die Dienstag-Regierung des Bereichs und das Land, es möglich ist, um das Genrekombinationgetreide zu entscheiden, schlägt vor, dass es erwartet, dass es wächst,

    • Study Finds Benefits in Modified Crops but Warns of Overuse
      The first comprehensive assessment of genetically modified crops called for national attention to the problem of overuse. Nationwide attention was requested from problem of gene recombination crop abuse first inclusive appraisal
      Die erste komplette Einschätzung der genetisch geänderten Getreide verdiente nationale Aufmerksamkeit zum Problem Überbeanspruchung. Nationale Aufmerksamkeit wurde vom Problem erster einschließlicher Schätzung des Genrekombinationgetreide-Missbrauches gefordert

    • Why it pays not to cultivate GM crops
      The first economic analysis of growing genetically modified crops ON a wide scale has found that the biggest winners were the farmers who decided not to grow them. The study and which looked at maize yields in the corn belt of the… As for first economic analysis of cultivation of the gene recombination crop on a scale, as for the largest winner, seeing at yield of the corn of the cone belt, research of the family, you discovered the fact that the farmer who have decided not to grow is…
      Die erste Wirtschaftsanalyse des Wachsens der genetisch geänderten Getreide AUF einer breiten Skala hat gefunden, dass die größten Sieger die Landwirte waren, die, sich entschieden sie nicht zu wachsen. Die Studie und das betrachtete Maiserträge im Maisgurt von… Was erste Wirtschaftsanalyse anbetrifft der Bearbeitung des Genrekombinationgetreides auf einer Skala, was den größten Sieger anbetrifft, sehend am Ertrag des Mais des Kegelgurtes, Forschung der Familie, Sie entdeckten die Tatsache, dass der Landwirt, das sich entschieden haben nicht zu wachsen, ist…

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