- As for life of wagtail natural life, a liberal translation
http://acoraku.way-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-4ac7.html [hakusekirei]. [kuchibashi] which becomes pointed thinly in the small body about of that sparrow [hakusekirei]. [kuchibashi] que se convierte señaló fino en el pequeño cuerpo alrededor de ese gorrión
- [hakusekirei
http://lionchan.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-05-14 [hakusekirei] [new pleat or town and @ bird around that] [compilation [hakusekirei] [nuevo plisado o ciudad y @ pájaro alrededor de ese] [compilación
- The [hakusekirei] face and 頚 side are white
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/nononaha99/51619198.html The [hakusekirei] white wagtail sparrow eye wagtail course l21cmw30cm drifting bird winter bird almost male and female same color, a liberal translation [Hakusekirei] el varón y la hembra de deriva blancos del pájaro del invierno del pájaro del curso l21cmw30cm del wagtail del ojo del gorrión del wagtail casi el mismo color
- [hakusekirei
http://simigon.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/post-75e2.html As for [hakusekirei] as for precaution it is thin relatively, does not fear the person excessively En cuanto a [hakusekirei] en cuanto a la precaución es fino relativamente, no teme a la persona excesivamente
- Infrequent sea
http://samomari.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/08/post-a490.html As for [hakusekirei] the large quantity it was En cuanto [hakusekirei] a la gran cantidad estaba
- Rain sky
http://colibri.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-06-20 [hakusekirei] and the swallow you become independent and when you would like to take the fact that the feed is received from the parent immediately after, it is, but don't you think? it overlooks and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] increases - ¿[hakusekirei] y el trago usted hace independiente y cuando usted quisiera tomar el hecho de que la alimentación reciben del padre inmediatamente después que, es, pero le no piensa? pasa por alto y [la ji] [ya] [tsu] [el te] aumenta -
- Dream house atelier (beat of spring)
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yumeya2008/e/48bf03be8d26e186cb1ee99efd914d91 [hakusekirei] and [kawarahiwa] are called the resident bird, but in winter there are no times when almost you happen to see, a liberal translation [hakusekirei] y [kawarahiwa] se llaman el pájaro residente, pero en invierno allí no son ninguna vez en que casi usted sucede ver
- Aerial attitude
http://kawasemi134.cocolog-wbs.com/kawasemi_no_hitorigoto/2012/04/post-49a5.html Flying ones of [hakusekirei, a liberal translation El volar de [hakusekirei
- original letters
http://blog.livedoor.jp/nico_chan_2004/archives/51708915.html [hakusekirei] (the white wagtail) bird [shirasagi] of name obscurity (the white heron) [kosagi] (the small heron) [aosagi] (the heron) topic other than the bird continues to the next time green,…, a liberal translation [hakusekirei] (el wagtail blanco) pájaro [shirasagi] de la oscuridad conocida (la garza blanca) [kosagi] (la pequeña garza) [aosagi] (la garza) el asunto con excepción del pájaro continúa la próxima vez al verde,…
- original letters
http://momo217.cocolog-nifty.com/hamayuu/2010/12/post-f25c.html Because the [hakusekirei] face and the stomach to be the gray [po] [tsu], you understand immediately Porque la cara [del hakusekirei] y el estómago a ser los grises [po] [tsu], usted entienden inmediatamente
- Japanese talking
http://ut-toribiyori.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/07/post-7060.html When the feather is expanded to such a wind of [hakusekirei], you understand whether somewhere of the feathers is what kind of color Cuando la pluma se amplía a tal viento de [hakusekirei], usted entiende si en alguna parte de las plumas es lo que un poco color
sekirei, Anime, Manga, Nature,