- tifanimello_
http://twitter.com/tifanimello_ RT @tifanimello_: Iru00f4nico mesmo u00e9 perceber que as pessoas que menos te disseram eu te amo foram as que mais te amaram.
- , a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/goow1039/e/c74c90c53e86b8689823ebf065501969 As for “sunbeam waterway” gift to citizen, a liberal translation Was „Sunbeamwasser-strasse“ Geschenk anbetrifft zum Bürger
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/goow1039/e/6f233e23acb3c8260989982d9fe8299d As for “sunbeam waterway” gift to citizen, a liberal translation Was „Sunbeamwasser-strasse“ Geschenk anbetrifft zum Bürger
- Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 August 13th (Saturday), a liberal translation
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/08/2011813-ffed.html With “the forest of the fruit”, [onaga] was [aburazemi] the insect [tsu] [te]., a liberal translation Mit „dem Wald der Frucht“, [onaga] [aburazemi] war das Insekt [tsu] [te].
- Bird @ Kasai seaside park 2011 June 25th (Saturday)
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/2011625-9264.html The people of coastal cleaning had entered into the “east beach”. [kawau] was 500 feathers or more, but, it flew to the middle which it has counted., a liberal translation Die Leute der Küstenreinigung hatten am „Oststrand“ teilgenommen. [kawau] waren 500 Federn, oder mehr, aber, es flog zur Mitte, die es gezählt hat.
- Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 June 26th (day)
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/2011317-a2dd.html “The group of [kinkurohajiro] of the island “of river wild bird” between side ten” had stopped being. The quantity of [kinkurohajiro], cut 40 feathers., a liberal translation „Die Gruppe von [kinkurohajiro] der Insel „des wilden Vogels des Flusses“ zwischen Seite 10“ hatte gestoppt zu sein. Die Quantität von [kinkurohajiro], schnitt 40 Federn.
- Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 June 26th (day)
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/2011729-d8b9.html With “the forest of the fruit”, the bulbul crumbling up the feather of [aburazemi], the stomach was eaten. Mit „dem Wald der Frucht“, wurde der Bulbul, der herauf die Feder von zerbröckelt [aburazemi], der Magen gegessen.
- Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 May 22nd (Sunday)
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/01/2011128-5ae8.html In, just the male of [kinkurohajiro] becoming firm 14 feathers, it had floated “the river between side ten”. In, gerade der Mann [kinkurohajiro] der werdenen Federn des Unternehmens 14, hatte es „den Fluss zwischen Seite 10“ geschwommen.
- Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 May 22nd (Sunday)
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/2011522-71c5.html The truth whose [sumomo] is blue had fallen to “the forest of the fruit”., a liberal translation Die Wahrheit, deren [sumomo] Blau ist, war auf „den Wald der Frucht“ gefallen.
- Bird @ Sendai Horikawa park 2011 March 16th (water), a liberal translation
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/2011316-73a5.html With “the forest of the fruit”, the bulbul thrusting the face to the flower of [tsubaki], you had been covered in the pollen., a liberal translation Mit „dem Wald der Frucht“, der Bulbul, der das Gesicht zur Blume von [tsubaki] stößt, waren Sie im Blütenstaub bedeckt worden.
- tori �� kasai rinkai kouen
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/2011723-e4b2.html In the waterway with the “east beach”, [kawau] ate the eel. In der Wasser-Strasse mit dem „Oststrand“, [kawau] aß den Aal.
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/2011422-fa7a.html The flower of the cherry “of the forest of the fruit” has bloomed, in addition. Die Blume der Kirsche „des Waldes der Frucht“ hat, zusätzlich geblüht.
- tori �� kasai rinkai kouen
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/201155-a07f.html It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English. Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- tori �� kasai rinkai kouen
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/2011416-2981.html [miyakodori] nearly of 50 feathers was in the “east beach”. [miyakodori] fast von 50 Federn war im „Oststrand“.
- tori �� sendai horikawa kouen
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/01/2011115-6ed2.html The bulbul was crowded even in the wood of the tow murine rice cake “of the river between side ten”., a liberal translation Der Bulbul wurde sogar im Holz des Schleppseilmausereiskuchens „des Flusses zwischen Seite 10“ gedrängt.
- weblog title
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/20101224-c981.html With the mark where the reed “of the river between side ten” is cut, the [karugamo] 9 feather hard had taken the feed. Mit der Markierung, in der das Schilf „des Flusses zwischen Seite 10“ geschnitten wird, hatte die [karugamo] Feder 9 stark die Zufuhr genommen.
- Japanese weblog
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/20101211-95b2.html “Forest vicinity of the fruit”, the truth where the thrush and the gray starling [pirakansa] are red was eaten. Also the sparrow was crowded in the wood of [pirakansa] “of forest vicinity of the fruit”. The circumstances which eat the truth or, as for purpose probably is what, (the photograph). „Waldnähe der Frucht“, die Wahrheit, in der die Drossel und das Grau, die starling sind [pirakansa] rot sind-, wurde gegessen. Auch der Spatz wurde im Holz von [pirakansa] „von Waldnähe der Frucht“ gedrängt. Die Umstände, die die Wahrheit essen oder, was Zweck anbetrifft vermutlich ist, was, (die Fotographie).
sekirei, Anime, Manga, Nature,